Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Finally, a real email!


So life has been crazy the last while of my life as a missionary.  A great many things have happened and more continues to happen.  Last week a ton of things happened and I lost track of it all so I skipped out on the email last week, sorry.  Brianna had her baptism date set for August 26th and learned like 3 lessons in 2 weeks.  Trevor also had an epiphany about Joseph Smith and his actuality as a Prophet of the Lord so he is also ready for baptism.  Teaching the two investigators has truly blessed my life and has been the best possible teaching experience for me seeing the full conversion from beginning to baptism.  The opportunities that are presented before me each day are challenging at times but are all blessings in different masks.  

Every night we eat at a members home, we eat only a few repeats every month so don't worry I'm well fed.  We taught a few lessons these past few weeks since my last big email mostly to Brianna, but we did teach Trevor twice.  Every lesson is a new experience as I learn more and more about the spirit.  Brianna got baptized by Elder Law and confirmed by me last Sunday, both were awesome events to witness and be apart of.  Also Elder Law went home as his mission was over and I got a new comp!  Elder Pooley is my foster Father and is excited to train me.  He is also the DL so there are some extra responsibilities added with that but that's alright. 

 Wrightwood is an awesome area to serve in but is filled with challenges.  Everyone here kinda knows who we are and what we're doing, so they have their rejections already pre-planned.  Work is hard and long but oh so worth it.  Whenever we help someone progress it all becomes real.  Being a missionary is a way different experience from anything else I have ever done.  For one thing, doing nothing isn't an option now.  I have the Spirit to guide me whenever I am lost and am constantly finding things to do for other people.  I hope to keep up what I am doing for others as long as I live.

Elder Ellsworth