Monday, January 25, 2010

I love rainy days!

Most the other missionaries, including my companion think that it's a little strange, but I absolutely love the rain. Today it's about 60 degrees, but will drop to about 38 later in the day, and it is raining heavily and with a "brisk breeze" says the weather report. I've been having a blast, walking to and from Laundry this morning was great, we put our clean and dry laundry in black garbage bags so we could keep it dry. When it's (relatively) warm I love the rain a lot, but when it's cold and miserable, I could do without.
This week has been a good week. We had kind of a rough week. Elder Ward was sick on Wednesday when we went on exchanges, and then I got sick for two days, but we still went out and worked as much as we could, so we didn't get a whole lot af lessons in this week, but the ones we did get were really well.

We visited with Elder twice this week. On Friday we took Marvin out with us, Marvin is a really cool member from Honduras, he has long black hair and listens to heavy metal, he got baptized during the summer. He was really able to connect with Elder, and bore a really powerful testimony that touched Elder. Elder said that he would get baptized, but he still has a lot of prejudice, especially because he's had bad experiences in the past at other churches, but he came to church on Sunday, and during Sunday school and Priesthood class he made some really good comments, he even said the closing prayer in the Gospel Principles class! I am really excited. Unfortunately the other cool investigator I mentioned last week, Carlos appears to have dropped off the world, we can't get a hold of him, and he is avoiding us, but it's alright, I know he felt the Spirit during our meetings, and hopefully he comes around at some point.

Alright, also here are a few pictures, I promised Nick last week I would send a few pictures so you could see what West New York, NJ looks like.

Hopefully all three of these will send, so the first picture is of our apartment. We live on the second floor of this house. You can see a picture of Jesus (though very bleached by years of sunlight) up in the second floor window.

The second picture is of me on a street not far from our house. You can see a long line of cars on either side. It's like pulling teeth trying to find parking around here. ( That's why I'm glad I'm walking, we don't have a car )

The third picture is of a large building. There are many apartment buildings such as this in our area. There are a couple that are even bigger, but these are the reasons why I have climbed more stairs in this area then in any other area in my mission ( most of these buildings are at least 50 years old, and have no elevators )
So, there you go, I'll (maybe) send another email with a few more pictures a little later, If I try and send more than 3, the email will be returned to me, without me knowing you will not get it. Yes, I know that my English was horrible in that last sentence.
I'm glad to hear that everything is going well. I hope that Nick is safe and does well in Haiti. I know that it'll be a good experience for him, but I am really worried for him as well. I know that the Lord will protect him, but, I am still a little worried every time I hear more news about Haiti.
I love you all a ton, and I miss you. I hope things continue to go well. Just keep on keepin' on!
Elder Isaac Ellsworth
P.S. If I have time after writing the Pres. letter, I'll send some more pic's a little later.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19th

I always hate it when for whatever reason the libraries are closed on Monday (usually holidays) and we have to email on Tuesday, mostly because we have to end P-day early and take time out of a regular day to email. However, complaining never solves anything, and here we are on the fine Tuesday morning writing the weekly email.

Today we had district meeting, the second one I've had to give. it went well I think. I was again pretty nervous, but I think it definitely went better than last weeks. Last week I hadn't prepared enough material, this week I prepared too much, and couldn't finish it all. After that we went as a district to lunch at Kikiriki, a delicious Peruvian restaurant.

Right before coming to do email we had an awesome lesson with Elder, one of our investigators. The first time we met him he mentioned that he used to wonder what his name meant. He had met missionaries in the past, and when they met him and asked him his name, they didn't believe him, and thought he wasn't being serious or was lying to them. I would've thought that it would be an unusual name, but I've known 2 Elders now, and met one guy named Elder on the street.

Elder is super prepared. today was the third or fourth time we've met with him. He told us today that one reason he let us in in the first place was because he has seen ad's for the church on TV, and they are just nice uplifting messages about family. He commented that most other churches he's seen ad's on TV and all they are is propaganda,he says, and he doesn't like that. Today we started talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he really understands it well. He already has a deep understanding of what is repentance. He works a lot with AA, and helps others to overcome alcoholism. He said he was an alcoholic many years ago, and through the program helped him to overcome his addiction and change his life, and now he helps others. I told him that that is repentance. Repentance is all about change, changing ourselves, and improving daily to become better. He also really understands the importance of baptism, but he said he wants to be sure, that it is something important, and that he would be baptized, but it needs to be from the heart. it was an amazing lesson, he is so prepared.

Things are going really well here in WNY. My companion and I are working hard, and we are starting to see miracles. Elder, we feel is really close to a baptismal date, as well as one of our other investigators, Carlos. we are hoping to soon be able to set them and get them progressing towards baptism.

Jeyckof is also doing well. Yesterday Elder McBroom called and talked to him, and I think it was good for him, he got a little down when Elder McBroom left. Hopefully soon he'll be receiving the Aaronic priesthood.

Another random thing, yesterday as we were on the way to an appointment I ran into Yawdy and Gabriel. They both were making comments about how skinny I was getting. Yawdy said "Are they not feeding you?" They are doing really well. Gabriel apparently blessed the sacrament this last Sunday at church! I am really excited for them. I am also excited in June I will be able to go with Genaro to the temple.

I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I enjoyed the emails that you sent me yesterday. Emily and her colored emails are always very interesting and I was glad to hear that things are going well.

I hope that Nick does well in Haiti. I know that it'll be tough with the earthquake, but I know that he'll be fine. God will protect him. The earthquake has definitely had it's impacts here. A lot of people have had the news on the last few days, and I have been hearing a lot about the earthquake. If nothing else good has come out of it, at least one good thing has. The earthquake has helped to cure the hatred that a lot of Dominicans have for Haitians. Hate might be a strong word, but a lot of Dominicans do not like Haitians at all, but it seems that that wall quickly is coming down. Hopefully this helps to open doors as well. I know that before the Haitian government did not allow American missionaries to go to Haiti, the only missionaries there are Haitians and Dominicans, basically, but perhaps this will open doors for the church to help bless even more the Haitian people. I certainly hope and pray that Nick will be safe when he goes to Haiti.

Well, I hope that things continue to go well at home, I gotta get going. I love you guys so much, and I will talk to you next week! Next week will be again on Monday of course.
Elder Isaac Ellsworth

Monday, January 11, 2010


Well, this week has been a little tiring for me as well. this week has been really stressful with transfers and everything. Elder McBroom got transferred to Jersey City Heights, he's living right now on 13th street in Union City, where I used to live about 6-8 months ago. There are currently 6 Elders in that apartment. From what I hear they are doing well.

My new companion is Elder Butler. He is from Draper, Utah. He went to the U of U for a year, I told him I wouldn't hold it against him. ha ha. He's a good guy, still really young in the mission. He and Elder McBroom were in the MTC at the same time. Also, another interesting tidbit, he was just barely companions with Elder Secrist, my MTC comp. He took a lot of Spanish in High School, and was in the intermediate program in the MTC, and his Spanish is really good.

The entire zone was basically mixed up. We have a new Zone leader, Elder Lam, who was in the MTC at the same time I was, also Elder Ward is serving in WNY 60-70, him and I were comps in Union City. Also, this transfer I am district leader. I'm pretty nervous about. On Saturday I had training, and I realized that DL's have a lot of responsibilities, tomorrow I have to give my first District Meeting, I'm pretty nervous about it. I mean, I've taught a lot of lesson, but never done missionary trainings. Also, this week I will probably be giving my first baptismal interview.

Jacqueline and Jeyckof are doing really well, although Jeyckof was really sad I think that Elder McBroom left, he didn't even come to church on Sunday. Jacqueline got confirmed yesterday, I performed the confirmation, the second time in my mission.

We have a really awesome investigator named Elder, who is starting to progress towards baptism. He came to church yesterday, and from what I could tell really enjoyed it. we have an appointment to go by on Tuesday. He told us in our last visit that he would get baptized, but that he wants to first decide and find out if it is true, and then make a decision to get baptized. We also have another investigator named Carlos who is starting to progress towards baptism.
Over all things are going well here in WNY. It's been tough this week, I've been trying to help my companion try and get to know the area, a week from tomorrow I'm probably going to do companion exchanges, and I hope he knows the area well enough to run it on his own for a day. That's another thing I have to do now, I have to go on exchanges with each member of my district and with the ZL's each transfer. Also, on Sundays I need to call and do accountability with my district.
I hope everything is going well back home, I love you all a lot, and I hope that Em and Ian have a great time at Stomp, I remember I loved it so much when Nick and I went!
Elder Isaac Ellsworth

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Baptisms

Okay, this week has been crazy. We finished off this week, and this transfer strong, having a baptism on Saturday and a baptism on Sunday. here are attached the pictures. The first picture is from Jeyckofs baptism. It was a day that I never thought would come. I remember the first or second day in this area going over to visit Jeyckof, we talked about baptism with him, but he said that he was stubborn, that he would someday, but at that time it wasn't one of his goals, etc. I was really excited when he made the decision to get baptized.

The baptism went a little chaotic, in both cases. Apparently the boiler/ water heater, whichever it is, broke, and so we had the font filled about an 8th of the way filled with hot water, and then there was no more hot water. Elder McBroom performed the baptism, and he said that the water was freezing! Jeyckof was a stud, and still went through and was baptized. It was ironic because right afterwards we watched a video about Wilford Woodruff finding the church, and at the end of the video, Wilford Woodruff is baptized in a frozen lake and Jeyckof could definitely relate.

Then on Sunday we had the baptism of Jacqueline. President and Sister Bahr even came, it was a triple baptism for our ward. Because the hot water was broken, we went to Union City to do the baptisms. Jacqueline was baptized by the bishop, Obispo Machado, then also Christian Correa, an investigator I taught in Union City who moved to WNY was also baptized, as was his niece. It was really neat, I think a really good encouragement for the ward. We have been working hard and have seen the miracles.

Okay, in other news, We received transfer information. Elder McBroom will be leaving the area, and I will be staying with a new companion. I also received a call last night, and they have asked me to be a District Leader. I'm excited about it. I will now be doing the baptismal interviews for candidates, and I will be giving weekly trainings at District meeting, that I'm not so excited for, but it'll go well. Our Zone is getting torn apart. Only one companionship in the whole zone did not get split up. We will have a new zone leader, our old zone leader, Elder Taylor got called as the new AP. He is a really good missionary, he was really nervous about that.

This week is going to be crazy, we have transfer conference tomorrow, we need to have "secret meeting" as well as District leader training at some point, Elder Westover, the remaining zone leader is a little overwhelmed right now.

Also other good news. I got a email from Norbert today, he said that on Sunday he had a meeting with the bishop and with his mom, and everything is set, he'll begin filling out his papers this week. I am so excited. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to build a close friendship with Norbert.

Well, I gotta get going, we have a lot of still to do still, we had to run Elder Taylor down to Short Hills today, so we are running late on P-day. Elder McBroom is all packed already, he's nervous about going to his second area. Next week I'll let you know who my new comp is. I love you all so much, keep up the good work!
Elder Isaac Ellsworth