Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 25th

Oh boy, I have had an up and down week!  It was one of those weeks were at times I could hardly hold in my excitement, and others could hardly hold in my anger, well frustration is a bettter word I guess.  
I was  pretty excited to have six more weeks up in Mount Shasta, and also excited to serve with Elder Clifford, but this week was a tough one!  Things are exciting up in Mount Shasta with Will (15) getting baptized on the 30, so we still had a bunch of stuff that we needed to cover with him this week, so the good news is we met with him like 3 times this week, and he is ready to go.  His Baptism Interveiw is on Tuesday and all that we are going to cover is talk about President Monson a bit.  His mom, sister, aunt, and cousins are all semi active member, trying to get active, and his dad is a non member, and they all live together in the same house up in Weed.  I had a bit of a releif this week because we finally have his baptism suit.  We didn't have one in the right size.  So that was a bit stressful trying to get it, but finally the AP's gave it to our Ward Mission Leader down in Sacramento so it should have arrived early this morning in Mount Shasta! 
Also we had an amazing lesson this week with the Gardener's.  It was totally guided by the spirit, Sister Gardener answered one of Brother Gardener's Questions, and they practically committed themselves to have nightly family prayers.  Plus Bro. Gardener told us that he is becoming a believer, and he is now in 2Nephi 2!  That was one of my favorite lessons with them ever!  So they are doing good.  Now all that we need is for Bro. Gardener's boss to let him have Sundays off of work, and they would totally come every week!  
We are meeting with a couple of other people, but those are the ones that are progressing.  I am still struggling to get out and find new people but this week will be a good one, I just know it!  Well I really have nothing else to say so... good bye
Elder Ellsworth
Quote of the Week:
Life is hard, it is even harder when your stupid
John Wayne

Monday, July 18, 2011

Captain Moroni

We met Nick's mission President last week (at his homecoming). It was so neat to met him and talk to him.  He described Nick as a "Captain Moroni", which we thought was so cool cause Captain Moroni is Nick's scripture hero. Then Nick sends us this pic, which was taken before we met President Pendelton.


Well this week leading up to transfers, I was once again caught in the thought, that I really don't have a preference.  I could see myself being here for another Transfer, and if I were to leave that would not be that big of a deal.  
Well it turns out that President Weston is not transfer happy.  I will be staying in Mount Shasta for six more weeks serving with good old Elder Clifford!  I am really excited for these next six weeks, but I have some high expectations for us.  I have some goals that I want to acheive personally, and as a companionship.  I am going to make a greater effort to be the best I can be! 
I had a long two day exchange this week with Elder Squires down in Shasta Lake, and he really did impress me.  He has been out for a couple months more than m
I have been much more obedient this week, but the better I am, the better I want to be!  I figure that that is a good thing.  Well I will tell you guys a few of my goals that I have.  First off is I want to finish the D+C by the end of July, I am on section 77 now, so I am on pace to complete it.  Personally I have a huge goal for myself.  I have this system of keeping track of my obedience, I have little sticker stars, there are 5 different colors, I get one in my planner day for each of the tasks I complete.  They are getting up at 6:30, working out in the morning, effective studies, 6 pages of the standard works daily preferebly not in my morning studies, and the last one is writing in my journal.  So this transfer, my goal is too get every star every day for 42 straight days! It is pretty cheesy if I do say so myself, which I do!  But it is an easy way to keep track of how I am doing. 
And my goal with Elder Clifford is to do a finding activity daily this transfer.  This transfer is going to be a good one I can feel it. Well I have pretty much run out of things to say.  I love you guys a whole lot, and will twalk to you guys next week!
Elder Ellsworth
Thought of the Week:
 No, in matter of discipleship the Church is not a fastfood outlet; we can't always have it "our way".  Some day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ and that Salvation can only come His way.

The picture was taken this morning. There was 15 feet of snow blocking the road!

Two in a row!

Well when I said that last week was probably the most notable to date.  Well this one is right up there with it.  This week has truely been a good one.  I guess that it starts last tuesday.  I was finally after 7 months going on my first exchange in my own area.  I have not really avoided it, but it always just seems to get cancelled when I have one scheduled.  
Well rewind!  This week we had a Zone Conference on Thursday, because of that we did not go down to Redding, District Meeting was cancelled.  So we stayed up in Mount Shasta all day on Tuesday.  We had a couple of really good appointments, including one with Juanita, we recommited her to really
Read the Book of Mormon.  We also had a meeting FINALLY with the Gardener's.  They are awesome, but we got out of touch with them for a few weeks there!  So also with them, we mostly just went and talked about the Book of Mormon, and bore our testimonies of it's truth.  We also talked about how it is the proof, it is the evidence.  
We then went and drove down halfway to Redding to exchange with the Shasta Lake Elders.  Elder Clark came up with me back to Mount Shasta.  On the drive back up we were going 68 on the freeway, when out of the Darkness a Brown Bear darts across the road!  At first we both thought it was a dog, but it was way to big to be a dog.  It was so quick that I did not even have time to slow down, luckily bears run fast, and he got across the lane before we got too him! 
With Elder Clark we had a killer lesson with Will, who is still on track to get baptized on July 29th.  I think, so things are going good.  
We then took our long drive down to Redding on Wednesday night for Zone Conference.  This was going to be the first time that I would ever meet the Weston Family.  Man, I can't even tell you how impressed I am!  The whole family was there at Zone Conference.  They each bore their Testimony, then the kids got up and did a musical number for us.  So they have twin 15 year old daughters, a 13 year old son, and a 9 year old daughter!  I am so impressed by the whole family, their willingness to do this.  Something that probably was not an easy thing to do!  But they discussed as a family, and each of them commited to come out here and serve!  Then as President and Sister Weston spoke, I was so inspired, they made me want to be better, to work harder, to be the best I can!  One quote that stuck out to me was Sister Weston talking about President she said, he is obedient Everyday, every page, every way!  That makes me want to be as good as he is!  
Then I will skip forward to today.  The whole zone came up today and together we hiked Black Butte.  It was a vent for the big volcano Mount Shasta, and we had a lot of fun!  Then the Ingraham's provided a barbaque for us!  It was a lot of fun, and I think the whole zone enjoyed it!  Well that is just about everything.  I love you guys a whole bunch and am grateful for you support. 
With Love
Elder Ellsworth
Quote of the week:
 "Line upon line and precept upon precept, gradually and almost imperceptibly, our motives, our thought, our word, and our deeds become alligned with the will of God"
Elder David A. Bednar

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 5th of July!

Well this is probably the most notable week of my mission thus far.  I had a couple of cool experiences that I wanted to share with you guys.  First off was this week we got our new mission President!  On Thursday President Weston arrived out here in California with his young family to the place that they will live for the next three years.  Three hours later President Pendleton went to the airport and flew back to Utah, which he described as now being jobless, homeless, and living on church welfare! I have really enjoyed getting to know him and have learned so much under his leadership for these past few months.  I have not met President Weston yet, but this Thursday we our having our zone conference, which will be great, followed by interviews so hopefully I will get to know him just a little bit. 

After that my week went pretty unfazed until on Friday morning I got a call from Elders McCollough and Ericson from Cottonwood.  They informed me that the Griffeth family, whom I taught for four months in Cottonwood, were getting baptized... the next day, at two in the afternoon.  Needless to say I was a little bit annoyed that I wasn't told this until the day before it was going to happen.  So Saturday morning Elder Clifford and I drove down to Cottonwood.  I first saw the Griffeth's while the whole family was sitting in the Foyer of the Anderson Stake Center, and they recognized me immediately!  The boys came up, and wanted a high five, and it was super awesome to see this great family.  Justin, the husband, is a less active member, and his wife Amber, and her four kids were taking the lessons.  The Oldest three, Sean, Seth, and Michael, all got baptized, while Zach, who is only 5 watched jealously—he wanted to get in the water too!  It is really hard to describe what I felt as they were each in turn baptized.  I have hope for this family; I know that they are taking the first step to Eternal Life.  I was so happy!  I can't even describe it.  I love that family and those four boys were awesome.  I am so happy that my Father in Heaven gave me the opportunity to learn and grow with them.  I am grateful that I was able to know this family, grateful that his Holy Spirit came and touched their lives, and grateful that they are willing to enter into this covenant with God.  It was incredible how they have changed from the first day that we ever met them.  Six months ago, Elder Thompson and I went to their house where previous missionaries had lost contact with them after an awesome first lesson.  We gave those kids each their own copy of the Book of Mormon.  Now they are so different.  Amber couldn't keep a smile off of her face!  What a blessing this Gospel is.  It brings joy to all!

Well that was my week.  The 4th of July in Mount Shasta is...odd.  The hippies are real, and they are interesting bunch.  Yesterday was a full p-day, so we got to just hang out at all of the stuff pretty much all day.  We even watched fireworks last night.  Our AP's said that if a member drove us that we could watch them, and we did not got home last night until 10:33, so today I am flat out pooped!  Well enough of my rambling.  I love you guys a whole giga-ton! 

Elder Ellsworth