Monday, February 27, 2012

Life in Loma Rica

To the Fam,
Well things are hoping here in Lom Rica (Lohm Rick-a). I am really learning a lot, and enjoying my time serving with Elder Lee. It was a surprise for sure, but I am grateful for it! We have been really blessed this week, and though we didn't have a baptism we were able to find a couple of New Investigators.

Candice was a 17 year old girl that Elder Whitney and I were teaching when I first arrived here, and shortly after I came she disappeared off the face of the earth. We found her and talked to her two weeks ago, and this week, we taught a lesson about baptism, and set up a lesson for next week, so hopefully it all works out.

We also found a lady named Pat. Pat is in her 70's and she was taught by missionaries clear back in "05 and hasn't since. We went by on Wednesday and met her, and gave her a copy of the book of Mormon, and Saturday we went by with Brother Littlefield, and she had already read 4 chapters. We talked about the Promise of the Book of Mormon, and went on our way. We hope to be able to set two baptism dates this week with them!
We also went and attended the 7th day Adventist Church in Dobbins California. We have an Investigator who attends there, and he really wanted us to come, so we went on Saturday. They really had a weird service. It was a lot like ours, but they showed some videos, and people kept saying "praise the Lord" from the audience. But they were all very gracious and warm towards us, and they insisted that we stay and have lunch with them. During their service they even shared a scripture from the Book of Mormon! One person opened his copy (no idea where he got it, our why he brings it to church with him) and read from Mosiah Chapter 13 about the 10 Commandments. It was awesome!! It was a good experience especially because I have never attended any other church before at least that I can remember.
I really don't have that much to say this week. Sorry it is short, but I want you all to know that I love you bunches and bunches. And for all y'alls information I have not gotten a letter in like two weeks.
Sincerely and with oodles of love
Elder Ellsworth
P.S. I am not mad, I am just being cheeky ;)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life is good in Loma Rica!

Dear Family and Friends,
How is life treating you guys over in Utah? Life out here in Loma Rica is good. The Lord is really blessing us and we are having a lot of success. I am really grateful that I feel his Spirit stronger in my life. I love being able to have somebody that I have been teaching get baptized and this week for the third time in four weeks, we have had a young man follow Christ and enter the waters of Baptism. John is an awesome young man. He may not know a lot, but he did know that he wanted to follow Christ. We had his baptism on Saturday, and what a good expirience that was for all of us. I was once again honored and asked if I would be in the water to baptize him. I really cherish every time I am asked by these wonderful people to do that. It is really crazy how much you start to care about these people. You think about them, and you pray for them, and you hope that they will have those righteous desires. Sometimes they do, and they get baptized, and sometimes they are not willing to make those sacrifices. Every time, I am able to learn and grow, and develop as a missionary.
I am also grateful that I am still in my area. I was a little bummed out at first, but now I am getting excited. We don't have anybody ready right now, but we really hope that we will be able to work effectively this transfer, and help others come unto Christ. Elder Lee is still Elder Lee, but I need to love him, and respect him, and sustain his righteous actions. I don't always have to approve of his ways, but I still can love the person.
I am also so glad that I have the chance to learn, whil serving as a district leader. I really am learning a lot. Patience is probably a big one the Lord is trying to drill into me. But sometimes it takes him a while to get through to me! I enjoy teaching in District Meeting, and being able to learn from the members of our District. I hope they continue to be obedient, and strive to be their best.
Sorry it is short this week, I hope all is well, and I love y'alls gutz!
Stay safe
Elder Ellsworth

Monday, February 13, 2012

Be careful what you wish for!

Dear Fam!
First things first! So we had a zone conference this week and at it they reminded us that we were only allowed to send emails to family members, so would you kindly invite Craig McAllister to watch the blog. because I can't email him any more! I really miss that great kid! But I am sure that he is doing well out there in Utah.
Second things next, yes I did get my Advair this week, so I am good to go for the next 3 months. Thanks so much for being understanding about the situation. I kept forgetting to tell you about it, until it was really the last minute so thanks for responding quickly so now I am good to go. And I will definitely thank Sister Goforth for the help. BTW her sister was the one who brought you that package, so they are super nice family.
I had a very crazy week, and honestly it was not super great at points so I will tell you about a couple of things. Last Sunday we had a lesson set up with John he is 12 and getting baptized on the 18th. But his lesson on Sunday he was not home. So we talked to his mother and she implied that at mutual on Wednesday we could set up another lesson with John. So we just waited for that. On Wednesday John thought that we had a lesson set up for 4:30, so he called his mom, and she came home early from work for the lesson. We didn't plan on that, so we obviously didn't go to his house, simply a misunderstanding. We talked to him at like 5:15 on Wed., and set a lesson for Thursday. Everything was good. Wednesday night however, a member in our ward called us and he was furious that we didn't show up for our lesson. He was very upset, and in turn upset me very much, then he cancelled our lesson with John for Thursday and told us we needed to call and apologize. It was too late to call that night, and all night I stayed up worrying that I had ruined something, or had hurt their feelings, or somehow my actions were causing the world to implode! So Thursday morning we called, apologized, they were totally cool with it, and we re-setup our lesson for Thursday afternoon, went taught and everything is good to go for his baptism on Saturday. So that left a little bit of a sour taste in my mouth, he made a mountain out of a molehill, and freaked me out. Everything is cool now though so that is good.
Also a bad thing was we had the most frustrating lesson of my life this week! We met with Val again. And he really just wants to bash with us. He is not interested at all, and his wife and him were trying to rip us apart. I was so frustrated that I did not even know what to say. And the members that we had with us were trying to pull out scriptures to show our points but were really just egging him on. I wanted to smash my head through the floor I was so upset! But I survived and we set up a lesson for next week, and after that we will probably drop them if nothing changes.
Well another thing that was tough for me this week, is that since transfers were coming up I was pretty sure that I would be leaving. I know the zone leaders requested that I leave and become a Zone leader, so in my mind I kind of in a way checked out of my area. Not really but I had my heart set on going somewhere new. I also had my heart set on getting a new companion. So when transfers came and we found out we were staying together for six more weeks, I was a little bit bummed! I am getting excited now though. I really just want a companion that is willing to be obedient with me but that is okay the Lord doesn't want me to have one so I will thrive for six more weeks in Loma Rica! I am now getting excited especially because we have a baptism for week 1! So this transfer should fly. Also I am still the District Leader here so it will go very fast.
I love the mission, it always keeps you on your toes! And what you expect pretty much never happens! Thanks for all of the support and love, keep praying for me(I am gonna need it)! :)
Elder Ellsworth
P.S. have you thought about an early blender birthday present?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Amazing things are happening!

Dear Family and Friends,
We had another amazing week here in Loma Rica! I really love the work of the Lord, and I really am feeling his blessings this transfer. My testimony of members has been strengthened so much! What I mean is my testimony of the great work that members can do, through their example, through speaking up in love, through humble invitations given to their friends and family! They rock when they apply themselves to being member missionaries! So I will give a few examples of what I mean.
Jason Jorgenson, he saw the example of his friends, and he felt their love as they invited him to activities, and church. Because of those awesome young missionaries, Jason was eventually baptized. They were with him every step of the way! Yesterday at Church Jason was sustained in Sacrament meeting, and I had the privilege of ordaining him. It was a surprise to me! We walked into the room where the teachers meet, and were ready for the ordinance, when the Bishop turned to me and said he asked you to do it. I was surprised, and was very grateful that I am applying the atonement in my life! I was grateful for that opportunity to participate!
William Hill, he was fellowshipped by the Green's. They are an awesome family in the Marysville ward. They were such a support and continue to be for Will, and his mother Cindy. Will got baptized on Saturday, and confirmed yesterday, and it was so great! I feel blessed that I was able to be a part of his life, I have learned a lot, and hopefully will continue to. Cindy wants to get baptized as well, so hopefully we can figure out when.
John Smail, who is scheduled to be baptized on Feb, 18th. He was also introduced to us by the stud muffins Seth and Ivan! They are doing such a great job at being missionaries. He has been to church twice, and also to Jason's baptism. He asked us when he could get baptized too! He is really prepared of the Lord.
Val Siathnuu, well you have never heard of him. Because he was introduced to us yesterday. A member invited him to take a discussion, and set it up at his house! So we taught Val yesterday about the Book of Mormon, and things went well. He is open to it, and wants to compare it's teachings with the Bible! He asked us if we could meet again, so I hope that he reads and prays, so next Sunday we can find success with him. His wife is a Less active member of the church as well! She sat in on our lesson too.
I feel very blessed by the Lord, I am grateful for the many blessings that he has given me! I am also very nervous because we are finding success, and also transfers are coming up. When you start finding success, and transfers are approaching, it usually means that it is your time to go... no... Also I am super stressed with being a District Leader, I wish I had the luxury of just worrying about myself, but I don't anymore, so naturally more stress. Life is good in the service of God!
With Love,
Elder Ellsworth