Monday, October 26, 2009

Noche de las Brujas

This week is Halloween, which means two things, 1 October is almost over, finally. I must admit, Halloween is my least favorite holiday, I'm tired of walking around seeing fake decapitated heads and other stupid decorations. Also, On both Halloween day and on Mischeif Night, 30th, we need to be in before dark, so not much is going to be accomplshed.
One thing I am excited for though, is that this year the mission will be doing another Christmas fireside. We'll be having Choir practices on the Zone Conferences we have this week, and on every other P-day until the firesides.
In response to the email ?'s. Thank you for the pills, I usually take them on and off, so hopefully they'll last me a while. Also, as far as music goes, just some type of Hymn arrangements, as long as they are not too difficult, I don't have tons of time to practice. Also, if there is a good arrangement of "Joseph Smith's first prayer" like the one I played for Grandma and Grandpa's farewell would be good, and maybe a Christmas hymn, so I can play around Christmas time. Thank you!
This week has been pretty good, We are starting to get things rolling well here. This week we set one of our investigators with a baptismal date. Jacklyn is from Colombia, her daughter, Nicole, is a member, last Sunday Nicole came up to us at church and said "Yeah, I think my mom is ready for baptism" So we went over there on Thursday and had a really good lesson. We set her with a date to get baptized on November 21st. I am super excited. She has been taught by the missionaries for a while, and she is super ready. She comes to church whenever she can, but she has to work almost every other Sunday. Next time we go by we are going to encourage her to ask her boss for Sundays off. It'll be bomb.
I'm also really excited because I got permission to be able to go to the Wedding of Yawdy and Gabriel on the 7th. Gabriel is really excited for his baptism, which will be the day after. I have seen those two come a long way since we started teaching them. They have progressed a lot. That is one of the biggest reasons I was so sad to leave Union City, but at least I'll be able to go and see that, even though I am not still currently teaching them.
Life here in New Jersey is going grand. As far as new clothes go, I my need to buy one or two more long sleeved white shirts, also, I want to buy some long underwear-type stuff. I'm not sure if I need to get a new winter coat. My old one will probably still work, but it is a little worn out. As far as hats and gloves and scarf and stuff, I'm still good.
I love you guys a lot, and miss you tons. Hope you have a good Halloween, just don't get too sugared up okay Em and Ian?
Elder Isaac Ellsworth

Monday, October 19, 2009

Week of Oct. 19th

Well, this week has been pretty good. I don't know if I have a problem with myldsmail, or not, I know of at least one missionary that there was a problem and he could not receive emails from his parents on the service, so he got permission to use a different email service. If you have sent me an email this week, I didn't get it, so maybe there is a problem.
This week week has been good, we had a little bit of a tough time with numbers this week. We had a lot of appointments juke this week, but other that that things went well. Elder McBroom and I are getting along pretty well. He is a really hard working missionary, wants to do what is right.
Today when we go to Walmart I will set up an appointment to go to the eye-doctor, I don't think we have time today, but I'll set it so that we have time the next monday so I can go. Also, there is a national shortage on the H1N1 vaccine, and there will not be another opportunity to get vaccinated out here, so I haven't had the vaccine, I'll just need to be careful, and take a lot of vitmin C. I'm not too concerned, I'll probably go and pick up some Airborne or something like that.
I hope everything is going well at home, I'm happy out here in the field, sorry this email isn't really long, not a whole lot of excitement happened this week, but we are getting the area progressing. We have a lot of investigators, and we just need to start getting them to come to church and to get baptismal dates.
Alrighty, I've attached two pictures.
The first is of Brother Romero and I. Brother Romero is a member from my first area. I saw him again at stake conferences and we took this picture.
Second is of P-day a few weeks ago. There is a soccer field that has a great view of the city.
I hope that everything is going well, I love you guys and miss you a lot. I hope to hear from you next week.

Elder Isaac Ellsworth

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

In other news......

Okay, sooooo much has changed since the last email, and this will shock you, well, maybe not.
In no particular order the items of business are as follows:
1) I did not yet go to get the glasses, I didn't get the chance the last week, but I will go in on this next Monday. hopefully it won't be too expensive.
2) I will go in this Friday to get the H1N1 vaccine, actually on last Friday my companion went in to get it, it is about $30 dollars here, and I need to pay in cash, so I will also need to pull out the money. They do it on Friday, so I will go in and get that taken care of, I have been sick over this last weekend, and I don't want to get sick with the swine flu, so I'll take care of that.
Okay, on to the Shocking news:
I am actually not in Union City now... On Tuesday I was E.T'd, which, being interpreted, is Emergency Transfer. I am now in West New York, 49-60 area, so actually only one area up from my last area. My new companion is Elder McBroom, he is from Northern California. He has been in this area for almost two transfers, he is really new to the mission, so I am senior companion. Shockingly enough, we have not gotten the transfer fax or leadership calls yet, so we have now idea what is going to happen with the transfers on Friday. If ElderMcBroom got transferred, that would be hard for me, I will have only been here for a week and a half, and then half to take over the area on my own, well, with a new comp, of course, but it'll stil be tough.
So, next Monday I'll definitely have the news about transfers. The mission president gets home tonight, he had a conference in Utah, and we will get the transfer fax tonight. I'm a little nervous, but I'll be fine.
I will (hopefully) be able to pick up the pictures today, the Zone Leaders have a van, I'll ask them if right after email if we can run to the Walgreens over on Park and 33rd.
Umm, in other news, I still haven't gotten the picture of Pepe's baptism from the other Elders. Hopefully we are going to have a baptism in this area soon, we don't currently; have anyone with a baptismal date, but we have a goal to set someone with a date this week. It'll be bomb.

I'm doing well here in this new area. Its pretty similar to Union City. The ward seems pretty cool, things'll be great.
Well, I got to go soon, Here is a random picture for this week, I drew this with a dry erase marker on my desk a few weeks back, I thought it was pretty cool, so I took a picture of it, and a rediscovered it while searching on my flash drive, enjoy

I love you all and miss you a lot. I hope that things are going and continue to go well here. I hope everything went well with grandpa and his surgery. I hope you had a good Canadian Thanksgiving, I'm so jealous, because out here Columbus day is a school holiday, but it never was when I was growing up, oh well.
Love you all,
Elder Isaac Grant Ellsworth

Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Dear Family,
This week has been pretty good, it' been a little tough, I've been having pretty bad headaches from the fact I need new glasses, so it's been a little tough, I also have no idea how the whole medical world works, so it's slow going trying to figure out haw to get new glasses, so...
But other than that life is going good here in New Jersey. Next week on Monday the Library will be closed, so the next Email will be on Tuesday. I wanted to wish you a happy Canadian Thanksgiving, I was hoping to be able to say it on Canadian Thanksgiving, but the library will be close for "Columbus Day"...
Also, This Saturday will be 13 months! wow, lucky number 13 right?
This upcoming Saturday we will also receive the transfer fax, so that means in the next email I will know whether or not I am leaving Union City, I hope not, but we will see. This tranfer has been tough with the threesome thing, but we have seen blessing and a lot of success, 2 baptisms this transfer, the baptism of Leidy and also of Pepe, speaking of Pepe, I again forgot to bring the stuff, so I will send a pic next week.
Um, in other news, the conference was amazing. I always love hearing from the Apostles and Prophets. I watched 3 and a half of the sessions in Spanish, and I understood quite a bit. It was also awesome to see two of our investigators and all of our recent converts make ot to see at least one of the sessions. I think at home, being able to watch it from our living room makes us too casual about conference, Wathcing all the sessions in the church really allowed to feel the spirit more powerfully and to pay attention more... It was really a good experience. I also learned something very interesting, Richard G Scott, and Neil L Anderson as weel as Elder Cristofferson all speak spanish. When they gave their talks, rather than having a translator, they had pre-recorded their talks in Spanish, and when they gave the talk it was their own voice in spanish, it was really interesting. I never would have known that in English. I watched the last session and half of the priesthood session in English, but the rest were in Spanish, and I understood a lot of what was said.
Well, I got to get going, and wrap up this email. The time on the computer is about to end, but I can log back on in a second, I need some help still figuring out this whole glasses thing. So, I will be back on.
Elder Isaac Ellsworth