Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What a week!

Dear Family,
      Well I will let you in on a little secret, missionary work is not always fun, or easy!  This past week has been a real struggle, but I feel that I have learned and grown, and any discouragement I had is now in the past!  
     The name of the game these past few weeks has been Cancelled!  Last week we had like 7 cancelled appointments, and dinners!  It is really tough when you go in expecting to get an awesome appointment, and teach a powerful lesson, and nobody answers the door!  Elder McAllister, and I have been trying lately to plan our lessons better, be more prepared, for what we can to convey, and what we want the people to feel, but it seems like the more we plan, the more often things fall through! 
     Another thing that was really hard for me this week, was a missionary in our ward came home.  He asked if he could come on an exchange with us on his frist day home, he had not even been released yet, and we had the opportunity to take him to a lesson.  It was so cool, to watch how he taught, and listen to all that he had learned in the past two years, but what was hard is when we took him home, and talked, and interacted with him and his family, it was really tough because it made me think of when Isaac came home, or to the eons away of my arrival home.  It was cool to see him home with his family, but it made me a little bit homesick!  
     We had a funny experience while on exchange with him.  His uncle and aunt are very less-active members of our ward, and we decided that we should go and see them.  Elder Tenney walked up to the door, knocked twice, and just went in!  Elder McAllister and I stood on the doorstep just staring at each other, wondering if we should follow him, or just stand their.   He then invited us in, and asked us if we were hungry!  Keep in mind that this is his uncle he hasn't seen in over two years!  We have been over to see the Duenas's so he knows who we are.  He had just gotten out of the shower, and he came down the hall putting his shirt on, and said "Who's in my house?"  He saw me and my companion first, and just looked super confused.  So I just pointed across the room at Elder Tenney, who got up, and they embraced!  It was pretty much the wierdest thing that I have done on my mission!  
     Church on Sunday was very enjoyable as well.  In Sacrament we had three speakers.  One was a RM of about three weeks, the other his little brother has his call to Brazil, leaving in July.  And the high council speaker was their father!  It was super cool to see them, and here their words!  Probably my favorite talks since I have been here.  
     The last discouraging thing that happened was Elder Walkenhorst chewed me out yesterday at P-day!  They moved out recently, and they left all of this supplies, that the Zone Leaders are supposed to have in our apartment, so I have repeatedly asked them to come and get it.  I have been blown off, told they would get it at a certain time, and they did not show up, and just ignored.  So yesterday I told them they needed to come and get their crap.  Elder Walkenhorst exploded got in my face, and told me I have a terribe attitude!  He also said the President will be in town in a few weeks, and we could talk to him about it.  All in front of most of my District.  I was pretty ticked off I won't lie.  They won't take the supplies because they were stupid to move into this members home, they don't even have a study desk, they have no space to keep anything!  
     Oh well, he called later, and apoligized.  I was honest with him, that I was not very impressed.  I think he is just frustrated.  Well we are going to work hard, and have a better week this week!  I love your guyz gutz. 
Elder Ellsworth

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Dear Family,
      This past week was a very eventful one, so I might actually give you something substantial to put on the blog!  Well we will start with Transfers, Elder Sommer got tranferred to Paradise 1st Ward.  I was pretty bummed because I love Elder Sommer so much.  He is my Grandpa in the field, meaning that Elder Thompson trained me and Elder Sommer Trained Elder Thompson!  He is just a really nice guy, and he was my Zone Leader for the past 3 months, and my friend, and roomate.  That was a very bitter sweet moment, but that is missionary life, and I need to get used to it. 
       Elder Walkenhorst was my new roomate.  I say was because the night he moved in, a member offered them housing, and the next day the Zone Leaders moved out.  Which is probably a good thing because I don't get along with Elder Shelton very well. 
      Zone meeting on Tuesday was pretty interesting too.  Elder Shelton has come up with this "Game" to help inspire us missionaries to work harder, but I hate it!  It turns missionary work into a compitition.  I think the only person that it inspires is Elder Shelton.  The game isn't a huge deal but at Zone meeting they also presented the idea of a zone fast.  This means that most every day this transfer they want somebody in the zone to fast for the work.  I hate this even more because I am not much of a fan of fasting as it is!  It makes me really sick, I do not feel good at all when I fast for 24 hours, I also find it really hard to do missionary work when my stomach is grumbling!  
     This week has been kind of long too.  We had a ton of cancelled lessons, which is just super annoying!  I hate it when people don't have the courtesy to just give us a call!  Well enough about the negatives!  
     We had a  couple of really good appointments, but overall this week was really good.  William Hogan had a very nice baptism this past Saturday.  William lives with his Aunt and Uncle, They are active members, so Brother Hogan Baptized, and Confirmed him.  Willies parents are both less active members, and were both their, and supportive of their son, but I am not exactly sure what the whole situation is.  He is 13 years old.  He took the lesson back in July but he was having troubles getting a permission slip signed so it took a long time.  We went through all of the lessons with him these past few weeks!  
      The whole family gave us a scare though.  Ten minutes till the Baptism was supposed to start there were only like 5 people there, William not included.  But with the time winding down the whole Hogan clan showed up, and filled the room.  It was awesome, and since the Baptism we have recieved 4 referrals!  So things are going good in Cottonwood!  We are Working hard and finding success. I am doing very well in this work, and loving it very much.  Well G2G we have a lesson!  PEACE, and I love all your Gutz.
Elder Ellsworth

Monday, March 14, 2011

No longer a Greenie!

     Well as you know today, we found out what transfers are.  This is my Second transfer done!  I can hardly believe that I have allready been here for that long.  Plus I am officially no longer a greenie!  I have had such an awesome time since I have been out here, and I am really getting excited about Cottonwood!  Elder McAllister and I are staying here for six more weeks!  So that is very good news for me.  But as expected Elder Sommer is shipping out!  I am just a little bit bummed, I have really grown to love my Grandpa!

     I am now starting to get more, and more excited about the work.  When I first came out it honestly felt like we were not doing anything important, we hardly had any investigators, and not really teaching, but the work is now starting to pick up.  Last week we taught the Lucero family, and picked up their sons as investigators.  We repeated this week by picking up another Part member family!  Savannah Roberts was not baptized when her sibling both investigated the church a couple of years ago, so we asked her if she wanted to take the lessons, so she agreed!

     Also I am super excited William Hogan is being baptized this Saturday, we are going to use this as a spiritual tool!  We have invited the Griffiths, Roberts, and we are inviting the Lucero family tonight to attend.  I will hope and pray for the spirit to touch all who are in attendance!

     I love this work!  God has called the weak things of the world to Thrash the nation by the power of their testimonies!  We can do this, we will do this, this work is unstoppable, as we touch the hearts of good people accross the globe!  I am so glad that I have made this decision to serve.  What would I be doing right now if I hadn't?  I do not even want to think about that!

      Keep sending me love because I do need it!  I am sending some more pics this week!  Hope you like em!  Hey, I want to send you my memory card eventually, but I would need to trade you, so I still can take pics!  So in a few weeks/months would you do that, so you can have some digital copies? 
Love your stinking guts!!!!  Be safe pray for those in Japan, they need it right now.  I love you guys tons!  Be safe.
Elder Ellsworth
That Thrashing of the nation is in D+C 133 or something!  Look it up it's awesome!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Well this week due to exchanges I was not able to get over to email you guys on P-day.  I am up in Palo Cedro for a few days, and they go on Tuesdays, I am sorry that I never let you know! 
Well this weeks was a pretty exciting week!  Early in the week, I am not going to lie I was pretty frustrated.  With the Zone Leaders, mostly Elder Shelton, with appointments falling through, just a little tired of it all.  So I sat Elder McAllister down on Wednsday morning, and we just talked.  He is such an awesome guy, he just listened to me as I told him about my frustrations, and was willing to help me through them.   I didn't really need help I guess, but I just needed to vent for a minute, after our conversation, the rest of the week went really well.  
We actually were able to pick up a part member family this week as investigators.  It was an awesome experience, probably my favorite lesson I have had on my mission thus far.  The Lucero family, Elder Thompson and I met with them once before, so this time, we wanted to teach them the discussions, the twins that are eleven are not baptized and when we invited them to take the lessons inclining it towards baptism they seemed very excited about it.  So hopefully we can help Sister Lucero to mend those old hurt feelings that she has.  I will let you know.
 Other than that our week was kind of a bummer, we had like six cancelled appointments, which was pretty annoying, and very frustrating, so next week we will do better hopefully.  
Transfers are coming up next week again!  Rumor has it that Elder Sommer my Grandpa is leaving, I really hope not, because he is helping to keep me sane!  Ha ha.  Also this week you will be receiving a rather odd letter, just take it as it is...  You can hang it up on the missionary board if you would like or just keep it safe somewhere else.  No letters form the buds this week, I got your package with my suit thanks so much, the airborne popped open and the suit was covered in the dust haha.   
Elder Ellsworth

Getting out of the apartment at last....

Dear Family,                                                                                                                                             
        How are you my awesome Family?  I have been doing much better.  Life is pretty good.  Before this last week, I had spent two weeks at home with my sickly companion, but this week we were able to get out and "Do Work".  Now we were not super successful, but I do believe that Elder McAllister is finally getting better, so that is good enough for me. 
I had the opportunity this week to try and find the Ellsworth's, a less active family in our area.  The Cottonwood ward has some Ellsworth's on the ward list.  I really wanted to meet them, so we drove out into the boonies to find their house.  To our dismay we found a coded gate, and we had no cell service to call with so we turned around and drove home.  That was very exciting!

Um investigators, William Hogan is getting Baptized on March 19.  We teach him tonight.  We will try to set a Baptism date with the Griffith's these next few weeks.  Doran Granberry is the Deaf Guy, and he seems interested and so last lesson I told him that the Book of Mormon is the proof that he is looking for.  It is the proof to anyone that will read it and pray about it, so hopefully he will read.
Also Elder McAllister and myself are starting a new diet this week!  It is a Carbohydrate free diet.  Breakfast and Lunch you aren't aloud to eat any, but dinner is whatever you like.  Perfect for missionary work.  So I will tell you how I am surviving next week!  
Well I don't really know what else to say, I have a pretty boring life.  I do want to know, how close are you to finishing the BOM.  I am serious about reading D+C with you.  Love you bunches!  In fact Bunches of Bunches.  
Elder Ellsworth