Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Mission Call and Assignment

We received our mission call on May 17, to the Italy Rome Mission as stake Young Single Adult specialists!  We were both hoping to be called to Italy as that is where I served as a young man, but after corresponding with the incoming president to the Italy Milan Mission, we were quite sure we would be called to Milan and very pleasantly surprised to get the call to Rome instead.  Several weeks ago, we were able to visit with President Morris and he assigned us to work in the Puglia Stake where we will be living in Bari.  We're thrilled with the assignment and can hardly believe that we're only a few weeks away from starting.  We begin two weeks at the Provo Missionary Training Center on January 16, then fly to Italy on January 31.

Pictured is the missionary board in our dining room, with a map of southern Italy over our world map.  This map covers most of the Rome Mission.