Monday, August 22, 2011

Time flies when you are having fun!

Oh. boy how time flies on my mission!  It is good though, it freaks me out pretty good.  This week was a very good one, and we got some good work done, and worked our butts off, well until the last few days of the week.  Saturday and Sunday were a little rough for me.  Elder Clifford is a good guy, but he destroys my motivation!  I am really pumped up with our area, and really excited about missionary work, and he just isn't.  I try really hard to get motivated and excited and then he just puts a damper on my excitement.  Especially when it comes to tracting.  He will teach lessons, and he doesn't like to but he will go out and harrass less active people, but he hates tracting.  Our week was a good one, we had 17 lessons this week, but we would have had at least 20 if not for a couple of cancellations, and not working very much on Sat, and Sunday.  So I was pretty frustrated with him, and so last night we sat down and had a little heart to heart, and I told him that he is killing my motivation.  It might have offended him, but it needed to be said.  He is willing to work harder, with me.  I told him that he doesn't have to have a good attitude, and be pumped up to go and tract, just to not discourage me from going to tract.  So he is willing to comply. So we are going to work really hard this last week that we have together.  And we both agree that hopefully it is our last together!  We love each other but are ready for a change of pace.  Personally I hope that he gets transferred, and I stay.  He said he would be cool with that too! 
What else is new?  Well the Gardener's are doing good.  We taught just Jason last week, and talked about the Word of Wisdom, we weren't supposed to but Elder Clifford started teaching it so I just went along with it.  The lesson was not very good, and Jason understands, but not completely.  Jason wants to get baptized but he has to wait till his work schedule changes in October or November sometime.  Which is a bummer because I will be gone by then, but who knows I might come back.  We asked Juanita to pray and ask God everyday this week if she should get baptized, but she probably didn't do it, isn't listening, or just forgot, or feels unworthy to pray or something.  But who knows!  Will is doing good, last week was his first time that he passed the Sacrament!  I think for me that is one of the biggest rewards of Missionary work!  Not only that, but we gave him a copy of Preach my Gospel, and he wants to serve on his own Mission some day!  That is super rewarding as well. 
Well that is about all.  This last week we had Zone Conference, and it was so much fun!  I love getting together and having meetings with a ton of Missionaries!  President Weston is awesome too!  He makes me want to be the best I possibly can.  I am going to work harder, and be better.  Well I have now run out of things to say... Other than expressing  my love for all of you!  Thanks for the package, and for all of the support you give me.  I listened to the new CD on the drive from Mt. Shasta, and I love it so thanks a million!
I love your gutz!
Love Elder Ellsworth
Quote of the Week:
" Do not teach in a way that people can understand, teach in such a way that they cannot misunderstand."

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