Wednesday, July 12, 2017

MTC Week 2


But seriously, I am still alive.  This week was exciting.  We moved from T1, which is one of the old buildings, to T4, which is one of the new buildings. Specifically the big one visible from the south end.  It is seriously amazing!  The air conditioning is fully working and the windows provide so much light.  I love it so much.  The old building that I was being taught at was cramped, and the window was tiny, and the air conditioning was poor at delivering cold air.   But the new one is simply divine.  Also all of the water fountains also have the really cool water bottle fillers that say how many plastic bottles were saved.  Also we finally got a permanent teacher for our second class.  His name is Brother Anderson, and he is probably one of the best teachers I have ever had in any class.  His way of teaching is seriously strict, but we all feel the spirit so strongly every class.  Also he gets everyone engaged in such a way that everyone learns by the spirit every class.  I am thriving here at the MTC because of the unique atmosphere that I feel in every room.  

I am also planning on emailing you more than just insignificant day to day worries.  I don't know what else I am supposed to talk about.  If you have any questions just let me know i suppose.

Elder Ellsworth

Our friend and neighbor, Dean Wright, made a delivery for me today. Ian is holding a loaf of homemade bread still warm from the oven. 

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