Monday, January 8, 2018

A Busy Week

A busy week!! One appointment after another.  On Wednesday we left the apartment about  10 am and got back around  8 pm and went from one lesson to the next.  We had a blast with a few new investigators playing basketball as we taught the restoration.  Even got a return appointment.

With the passing of The Prophet, there was a lot of confusion with a few people we work with but it was easy to explain with the spirit on our side to help.  It's a terrible heartache that we feel, but to know that President Monson is passed on like so many before, and is now with his beloved.  

In this life there are many heartaches and forces that persuade us away from our Father in Heaven.  I see that on a daily basis with the people I meet and work with.  Just before Christmas we picked up 2 new golden investigators.  We invited them to read the Book of Mormon and come to church on Sunday the next day, Christmas eve.  We got a text just before Church that said she wasn't interested anymore and wanted nothing to do with us anymore.  Adversity is prevalent in every aspect of life and faces us at every turn.

To hold to Faith is to practice it everyday.  A lesson we teach to children goes like this.  We have 3 cups and 3 knives and a Book of Mormon.  Balance the Book in the middle of the 3 cups using the knives and without the knives touching more than 2 cups.  It's hard to explain but it represents our faith in the middle.  We need to keep doing the faith building exercises if we want to keep faith.  If not than it dies.

Elder Ellsworth

2 Kings 2:23-25

From a paper letter we received on Jan 3

"Missionary work fluctuates quickly and without warning. We got 8 new investigators in a single week, and within 2 days 2 dropped us and we others haven't set a new meeting appointment. One moment we felt as though all the tracting finally paid off. The next we felt back at squar one. It doesn't at all feel in our control, but His.

Alma 5:26 

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