Tuesday, December 29, 2009

After Christmas email.....

Things are going well here in New Jersey. This week is looking to be a good week. We have a baptism scheduled for Saturday and for Sunday. Jeyckof should be getting baptized on Saturday, and his mom Jacqueline is getting baptized on Sunday, finally. We are going over tomorrow with the bishop and his wife, so that'll be good.

I know that the emails are usually shorter than mom likes, but not much has changed since Friday. Saturday was rainy, and slightly miserable in that regard. It should not rain in December, that to me seems barbaric, but, what can I do about it. I got a little sick afterwards, but I am feeling better.

Transfers are a week from Wednesday, we don't know when we will get the transfer fax, whether on Saturday night or not until Monday night. If I know what's up I'll give you the word. Last time the transfer fax didn't come until Monday night, so we had no idea when we emailed what was happening. We're pretty certain that Elder McBroom is gone this transfer, he has been in this area for 6 months now, and this is his first area. I'll most likely stay, and who knows? maybe I'll train or something.
Ha, I just discovered that with this new email system I can add emoticons, umm, anyways
I was looking at the calendar, and it would not be unreasonable if I was still in this area until mothers day. This next transfer will be in February, and I'll likely still stay, after that the next transfer is on March 31, and there is a big chance that I'll leave then, after that the transfers are on May12th, a few days after Mother's Day, so there is still a possibility that I'd be here.

We have a couple other investigators that are getting close to baptism. We found a new investigator a few weeks ago named Carlos, he is from Guatemala, he is really humble and really cool. Last time that we met with him we taught him the first lesson, and he accepted everything really well, he is really cool. We are hoping soon to set him with a baptismal date, he would've come to church I believe if he hadn't gone to Pennsylvania over Christmas, he wasn't sure if he'd be back by Sunday, we have an appointment on Tuesday.

Well, I better get going, I still need to write president, and put together the baptismal program from Jeyckof. I love and miss you all,
Elder Isaac Ellsworth

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