Monday, December 7, 2009

I loved Mr. Krueger!

I don't know if you've ever seen the old video "Mr Kreuger's Christmas" That the church made in, I think, 1980, starring Jimmy Stewart? well, we watched that yesterday with one of our members, and it was pretty cheesy, but a sweet Christmas video. So, that's about all I could come up with for the "clever tag line"

This week has been pretty good. The First Presidency Christmas Devotional last night was amazing! I hope you got the opportunity to see that. Last year I didn't get to see it because the New City Ward didn't broadcast it. Not a lot of people came, but it was amazing! The music was really good, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Orchestra on Temple Square. We even had an investigator come!

This week has been pretty good, we're still hard-pressed to find new investigators. Elder McBroom has been here for almost 5 months now, and has knocked about every door in the whole area. Of course, that's not hard when the area is only 11 blocks wide. We had some amazing lessons this week. Jacqueline is progressing towards her date on the 20th of this month, and will be baptized soon.

This week is going to be a little crazy. First of all, we have an all-mission conference in Morristown on Wednesday, That'll take pretty much the whole day, we also have the Christmas "brunch" in the mission home on Thursday, I don't know how long that is going to take, but it'll be nice. Last year we did kind of a "Christmas dinner" with the mission pres and his wife. I guess they didn't want to take away our evening as much this year.

I am also really excited for Christmas. Today I printed off Christmas Card to send to everyone, and as far as anything I need goes, I really don't need anything right now. I would like to get the new bible in Spanish, I was going to order one, but I would like to get it engraved with my name on it, but I really don't 'need' it.

I hope that everything is going well, I hope that everyone enjoys the Christmas season, and that things continue to go well! I hope that Nick does well on his finals, and I wish Dad the best of luck in his new calling. I think that it's kind of funny. I was thinking about it, and Dad has been a scoutmaster in every single ward we've lived in, I think. When you moved I was thinking, and predicted that, well, the logic fits, he'll be a scoutmaster again for sure!
I got to go, but I'll write again next week.
Merry Christmas!

Elder Isaac Ellsworth

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