Monday, February 8, 2010

Amazing Week... law of compensation

In zone conferences a few months ago, President Bahr talked about how to handle hard times, using as a background for his talk "Come what may, and Love it" by Elder Wirthlin. As part of that talk he reminded us of a few ways to endure through hard times. Learn to Laugh, keep eternal perspective, etc. One thing that he said that stuck with me was to "remember the laws of compensation". When we have a hard time, and prove faithful the Lord blesses us in return. The last two weeks were very difficult, but this week was absolutely amazing. We still didn't meet the mission standards, but we saw so much improvement from last week.
We found 5 new investigators this last week. It was amazing, more than we've found the rest of the transfer combined.

Last Sunday at church there was a man that just walked in. His girlfriend in Ecuador told him to check out the church, so he did. The ward mission leader, Brother Cuc, was one of the first people to greet him, and was there as a friend and a guide the whole meetings. He found out his address, and it was in our area. His name is Javier. On Thursday we went by and visited him, he is super prepared. He loved the church this last week, and he had some good questions. We taught him the first lesson, and he loved it. We asked him that when he feels that God has answered his prayers, would he be baptized, and his answer was "of course" He said he'd read the Book of Mormon and he'd pray to know if it was true. I know he'll be baptized soon. He really wants to know the truth.

In other news, Brother Luna finally was able to come to church. He is the husband of Sister Bernal, the primary president. We've been visiting and teaching him for a while, but because of the work he has at the taxi's he has been unable to come to church, and because he can't go to church and renew his covenants we don't want to baptize him, yesterday at stake conference Sister Bernal talked to President Bahr, in March Brother Luna will be quitting the taxi's but he wants to get baptized now, and President Bahr said that it he can come to church at least 2 weeks in a row, and until he quits the taxi's try to get off and at least come to partake of the sacrament, he could get baptized. They were both very excited. We are going to set him with a baptismal date soon.

Elder is still doing well, he came to stake conference yesterday, and liked it a bunch. I don't know exactly what he needs, he is such a dilemma. When he tries to quit smoking, or at least when he doesn't smoke, he gets really upsetably, and hurts others, but he also knows that when he does smoke, he is hurting, and slowly killing himself. He feels so trapped. We have been trying to help him quit, teaching him about the power of prayer, but he is having a very difficult time with it.

Oh, speaking of Stake conference, I need to tell you about yesterday. It was absolutely crazy.
The stake asked the mission to put together a missionary choir for the conference, and we would then have to sing at both the English and the Spanish sessions of conference. The conference was amazing, Elder Spencer Jones of the second quorum of the Seventy came, and spoke in both sessions. He speaks really good Spanish, by the way. The first session was at Caldwell at 10 am. we were supposed to be there at 9:15 for choir practice. The session was until 12, and then we stuck around for about half an hour visiting with people from old areas, etc. After that we drove the 30 minute drive to Union City and had the Spanish session at 2:00. By that point I was starving, we had no time to try and eat something in between the sessions. The Spanish session was also very good. Afterwards I got to visit and see a lot of people that I love and care for very much. Brother Romero from New City, The Loso family from Englewood, All the people from Union City, Norbert, Isabel Castro, Genaro, Yawdy Gabriel, Bishop Martinez, Brian, everyone! However, the downside came about that we didn't get home until almost 5:00 so the day was pretty much shot. But it was good, we received some good instruction from Elder Jones, from President Drussell ( the stake president ) Interesting fact, I have been in this stake (Caldwell) basically my entire mission with the exception of the one transfer I was in Clinton. Everyone I know is on this end of the mission.

Well, I gotta get going. I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I hope you had a fun time in "San Jorge", it sounds like you did. Oh, by the way, just so you know, next Monday the library will be closed for Presidents Day, so the email will be on Tuesday. I don't fully understand why P-day is on Monday, it's good and all, but it means that it's always on all the stupid Holidays that they close libraries for.
Love you,
Elder Isaac Ellsworth

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