Friday, April 20, 2012

Crazy, Busy Week

Dear Family and Friends,
Well, if you were not aware, today is Wednesday, I usually email on Mondays but because this week has been crazy busy I have not had the chance!  Life is really super busy these days, but things are going well here in Antelope.  This transfer is going by at an insane rate, which is a little bit scary, it is allready I good portion into week 4 which is pretty nuts, time just does not seem to slow down!  We had a great week last week though.  I went on a couple of exchanges over the past week, which stank because both times that I did, I learned a lot more about some problems in the zone!  On Wednesday I went with Elder Comstock in his area, he is a stud!  He took the lessons and got baptized on June 12 2010!  Right after that he started working and saving up money to come out here on his mission.  I feel pretty bad for him though.  Both of his first two companions have been the District Leader, and neither has been a very good missionary or Trainer.  So he hasn't had much of a chance.  He informed me about a lot of stuff him and his companion aren't doing, and a few stupid things that they did do, so that night we were on the phone with President, and the next day on Thursday we had to bring them both in and talk with them, and find out their side of the story.  They were both very different stories, which was annoying, I am glad that it was sorted out by President Weston though!  We also went on exchanges with another set of missionaries, Elder Honeycutt, and Elder Frei.  They are both not doing so well.  Their area is on fire, and they are actually working very hard, but they don't get along at all!  This week they were out and got separated on their bikes, and they were apart for close to an hour!  So there is a lot of drama their, they both are awesome kids, but both are very immature, and bull headed.  What a headache!  So I was on exchanges with Elder Honeycutt, who I love a lot.  He came out just 6 weeks before I did, and he was actually in my zone for the first 3 transfers in my mission.  So it has been long time no see for us recently.  We had a lot of fun, and it was my first day of my entire mission riding a bike!  My butt was way sore afterwards!  We biked like 15 miles throughout the day just doing our missionary work.  It was a lot of fun.  Saturday we had our Stake Correlation Meeting.  As Zone Leaders we have to meet with the Stake Presidency once a month and discuss the missionary work in the zone.  I was way nervous for this meeting, but it went well.  President Weston, and President Alston were both there (President Alston is in the mission Presidency).  It was a lot of fun, and they speak pretty openly in that meeting.  So there are some concerns with Ward Mission Leaders, and Bishops, and they were just talking about the problems.  I was very suprised!  On Mondays the Library here in Antelope is closed, so we weren't able to get on except to send in numbers for our zone, and Tuesday was way busy.  There is a missionary in our mission named Elder Barney.  He is from our mission, and he has some Physical handicaps.  He can't walk on his own, and he speaks slow.  Because of it he can't serve a normal mission, so he comes out with us in this mission.  Tuesday to Friday each week he goes out with different Elder who are in car areas, and spends the day with them.  He needs support as he walks, from a walker or from us, and he is a lot of fun.  So all day Tuesday he spent with us, on top of that we had our Zone's Interviews with President Weston.  So we usually have two District Meetings, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday, but because of Interviews both were on Tuesday.  They are an hour and a half each, so it took a good part of our day.  I love meeting with President though, he is such a great man.  He always inspires me to be the very best that I can.  I am grateful to be able to serve with him!  He also dealt with our zone drama!  yay!  So things are going good.  I am loving this time here in Cali.  Also about our Investigators, we don't have anybody real close to baptism, Mary is scheduled for May 5th but we will probably push it back.  We picked up a New Gator this week named Stephanie Bledsoe, she is an awesome lady, who has been through a lot recently.  I think she had a recent divorce, she has a couple of young kids, and she wanted to meet with us, so we are excited to teach her!  Things are going well, next week I will tell you more about my two wards, but I want a break from typing now!  I love you all, and hope for the best for ya!
Love Elder Ellsworth
P.S.  you could get me the Reflections of Christ CD for my birthday or the sequel to it Another Testament, other than that I am good.

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