Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I am STRESSED out!!

Dear Friends and Family,

Well I was a little bit exaggerating about being so stressed, but not that much because this has been one of the most stressful weeks of my mission thus far.  So I am not sure if I mentioned it or not but last week at our p-day activity Sister Totau, one of the sisters in our zone broke her ankle.  Well that was very unfortunate, but she is doing well now.  That added to my stress.  We had 13 appointments cancel this past week, that added to my stress.  We had to turn in our zones monthly goals, and they are all very high, probably unachievably high.  So I get to go to our zone leader council next week, and report these goals to the whole mission, that makes me stressed.  The last one is by far the worst one.  Elder Grover and I went over to the Antelope 2nd wards apartment on Friday to pick up their zone goals.  When we got there they informed us that they had almost gotten in a fist fight the night before, and even that morning their had been a physical exchange.  So we obviously couldn't leave them together, so we went on an emergency exchange and split them up.  That made me stressed.  Then they had an interview with President Weston on Sunday, and he asked us to split them up for the entire week, so we get to go on 3 exchanges with them, and 1 with the Spanish.  That makes me stressed.  Transfers are coming up soon, that makes me stressed.  And best of all.

Yesterday for our zone p-day activity Elder Grover and I got a hold of a pinata.  It was a person, and so we dressed him up as a missionary and beat him to death.  It was a lot of fun.  We were a little worried about safety but everything was going well.  Everybody got three shots at him with these bamboo reads that we had taped together, and then we pulled out this metal bar.  everyone got three more whacks with the second bar.  Round 1 everyone was blindfolded, round 2 go for it!  So, I was the second to last batter in both rounds, and Elder Honeycutt bless his heart was the one right before me both times.  So in round three with his eyes open he got his three swings, swing 1 was a big whiff, the rope man gave him a strike, swing 2 hit home, he nailed the pinata in the head, some candy cascaded from his wounds.  Swing 3 was another big whiff, halfway through his swing the "bat" flew from his hands very quickly and headed straight for guess who, ME!  It drilled me in the shoulder!  The end of it caught me straight on, and it surprised me very much!  I took a step back, and looked down to see the damage, and their was a hole in my shirt, I was pretty ticked because I was still in my proselyting clothes, and there was a nice rip, I then realized that their was a corresponding hole in my garments, and in my shoulder!  So I calmly walked to the bathroom, I almost passed out in there, and got very light-headed.  Then I laid down elevated my feet, got bandaged up, and cleared my head.  Then I went back into the gym, and played some b-ball.  I still won!  That stressed me out!  Not winning but getting a hole in my shoulder.  So I am going to send you the shirt, and the Garments, because they truly did protect me.  I was only hurt a little bit, I should have been hurt a lot worse than I was.  I am grateful for the Lord's protection at our p-day activity.  Today my shoulder is sore for sure, but I am in high spirits, just stressed out!  Love y'all.  I hope that you have a good week, keep working hard, and being awesome!

With Love,
Elder Ellsworth  

P.S.  Don't worry about me I am doing fine and feeling blessed!

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