Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Transfers continue to fly by.......

Dear Family and Friends,
Well things are going well still, and I am trying my best to work hard and be obedient.  This past week has been one of the craziest of my entire mission.  We have been running around like crazy, I have been a bit sore, and things are going good in our areas.  So I will do my very best to put into words what is happening in my life.  So we have had a problem companionship in our zone.  I love and respect both of them, but they just can't love and respect each other!  So they had a big problem last Friday morning, and almost got into a fist fight as a result.  So we had to split them up like I told you.  Well because of that President did not feel that they should be left together for the time being, so Elder Grover, and myself were left to the task of splitting those bone-heads up this week.  We went on three exchanges with them, as well as one with the Spanish Elders.  So the only days that Elder Grover, and I were even together were Monday Wednesday and Sunday.  It was a crazy week.  

Elder Grover got the shaft because on every exchange he left the area.  So I was home all week.  Which was good because I would not have wanted to ride a bike with my shoulder like it is, sore.  I think that we still had a pretty successful week though.  WE were able to stay busy, knock a lot of doors, and set up a lot of return appointments.  In the end last week we taught around 17 lessons.  It was a lot of fun and very successful.  I grew to love these Elders.  Each one has his own strengths, and I may not love everything that they do, but they are good kids, and have great desires.  I went on exchanges with Elder Frei for two days this week, he is a convert of just over a year!  I got a lot of respect for him when I learned that his family practically disowned him when he converted from Catholocism.  They were even less thrilled about him coming out here on his mission.  He has sacrificed a lot to be here.  I am grateful for his wonderful example to me.  

Our Investigators are doing well.  Nobody is doing super great.  The dates that we set with Marez and AJ are not going to happen on the original scheduled days, but that is okay we still love them, and will help them to come unto Christ.  I am really excited for this upcoming week because we have a lot scheduled, and a lot of Potential.  I hope to be able to Thrash Antelope with the Spirit in the coming weeks and months!

Also you are right Transfers are today!  Luckily Elder Grover and I although we were not together last week, will be together for the remaining six weeks of his mission.  It should be good, because our area is looking good.  Plus he is an absolute stud-muffin.  I am grateful for all that he does to serve me and this zone.  He has a big heart, and is very calm, and thoughtful while I just try to jump in fully clothed sometimes.  I have learned many great lessons from him.  But also every companionship in the zone is getting shuffled these transfers, which makes me super sad because like 3 of my favorite missionaries are heading to new areas, and I will miss them a lot!  I hope our new peeps coming in are awesome as well.

Finally my shoulder is doing very  well Mother.  It has been sore for a lot of this week, but now it is great.  This morning I even went out and jump-roped.  It was a lot of fun.  It is still tight, but I will work it out by the end of the week.  Also sad note, I don't know if I ever explained this to you, but in our new house all of the missionaries that are going home, their last night, and those coming in, their first night stay with us.  So it is a lot of fun.  But hard to sleep.  Last night we had the ones going home, they just wanted to stay up and talk.  I was very sad to have my mission papa Elder Thompson going home today.  It has been many many months since we served together, but I still have a great love and respect for that amazing Elder.  You guys should look him up and have him to dinner or something.  He lives in Utah county, and is a nice guy.  

Well I am about out of things to say.  The Church is true, and I am grateful to be a missionary here, now.  I love you all a lot and look forward to talking to you on Mother Day!  Which just happens to be on Sunday!

With Love,
Elder Nick Ellsworth

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