Monday, August 20, 2012

Holy Cow is August simply flying by!

Dear Friends and Family

Well, things are going very well.  Well not as good as they could be but things are settling down hopefully for good.  Since I moved into my new apartment I can't seem to get well.  It has been pretty rough on me, I have had diarrhea on and off since I got here.  It is driving me mad not to mention it is not very good to help with missionary work when I kept having it hit the toilet.  But now I am feeling a whole lot better.  Still not all the way, but for the most part very good.  It has been pretty interesting few weeks since I got here to Tempo Park.  We still don't have a ton going on, but this past week we set up to start teaching a couple of new returning less active people, and families.  And of them there are three or so unbaptized children, that we are hoping to start teaching and bringing towards baptism.  This ward that I serve in is one of the best that I have yet to be in.  Our Ward Mission Leader and the Bishop are both super supportive, and always willing to offer help and ideas on how to better this work, and to help our investigators.  This ward is ready to explode with missionary work we just have to push things over the edge, so that they start to pick up and go well. 

We are still meeting with Melody Jacobs regularly.  And as a matter of fact tonight in our lesson we are going to finish getting everything set up for her baptism on Saturday at 10.  So I will let you know how that goes.  Melody also has a pair of kids.  But one has no interest who is 15, and the other is a little bit disabled.  He has some learning disabilities.  But Melody hopes that he being able to see her be baptized will inspire him and down the road that he can get baptized as well.  Either way it will be awesome to see. 

Things are about the same with Elder Allred.  We still get along great, but he is still not too motivated.  And because I don't even feel that well, I don't have the motivation to push him like I should be.  I am going to be better about that this week however.  I can also hardly believe that transfers are coming up in like three weeks.  This one is already half way over.  It is crazy how fast this time seems to fly.  I am grateful to be here to see and experience this work!

I don't have much to say this week but I want y'all to know how much I love you!

Elder Ellsworth

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