Monday, August 6, 2012

Sorry about last week

Dear Family and Friends

I want to start off by apologizing for not emailing you at all last week.  Things were pretty crazy with transfers.  I had intentions of Tuesday morning going to the library to send something off to you, but when we got there the wait for the computers was around an hour long, and we didn't have that much time to spend waiting.  So I had already told my companion that I had emailed, so then I just didn't bother going email at all.  So I am sorry, and that's why I wrote you that letter this week instead.  Like I said last week was pretty great, especially being able to go to two baptisms, and participate in those wonderful ordinances.  I love my time serving in Antelope, and I am sad to see it go, but I am excited to serve here in Tempo Park now.  My last area was probably the most frustrating I have yet served in, so I hope that I can finish off very strong here in this ward.  It should be an adventure. 

My new companions name is Elder Allred.  He is from Saratoga Springs Utah, and he is a very young missionary.  And matter of fact he was trained in the same area that I was.  Cottonwood, as well as one of the Zone Leaders that I live with was trained in the Cottonwood ward, so it is pretty cool to see that.  It has been kind of a rough week for me though.  As I have gotten familiar with this area and people that are in it, I don't think that Elder Allred and his previous companion worked all that hard.  I think that for the most part they just hung out with members, recent converts, and less-actives.  There has not been a whole lot of finding going on recently, so it was awesome that we were able to pick up 3 new ‘gators this week.  We also are teaching a very awesome lady named Melody.  She is scheduled to be baptized on the 25th of August, she comes to church every week, and she even got up on Sunday and bore her testimony of this Church!  It was awesome; I look forward to being able to teach her more.  She is a great lady.

It is a little weird no longer being in mission leadership.  Like on Sunday night I no longer have to take numbers, or do any of that extra garbage or deal with any of the crap that I used to.  It is such a relief to just have to focus on being obedient, and on working hard.  But at the same time, it is a little disappointing.  I for sure was not expecting it.  Another reason it has been tough here is because Elder Allred and I have both been sick.  Elder Allred was throwing up earlier this week, and we both have some nasty diarrhea right now, it kind sucks but oh well.  Things are good though.  I am excited to finish out my mission strong; I look forward to being the best that I can while enduring to the end.  This Gospel is true, and I am grateful for how much it has blessed my life. 

With Love,
Elder Nick Ellsworth

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