Monday, September 17, 2012

I love everything!!!

Dear Family and Friends

Life is good in the California Roseville Mission.  Things have been crazy these past few weeks, but I look forward to the assumption that it will start to calm down now.  This past week has been a roller coaster, and I want to get off now, and enjoy the view!  Well I will tell you a bit about my week.  So shortly after emailing you guys last Monday, we went home, and Elder Van Leuven got trunky and packed up his bags, so that we could drive him to the mission office, and see him off.  I was sad to see him go, we had a lot of fun together, and got a lot done at the same time, so it was good.  That evening I hung out with my roomates/ zone leaders Elder Netane, and Elder Arnett.  Elder Arnett was transferred as well so Tuesday night we spent some time for him to pack up his bags, and get ready to go.  In the evening we went and made some visits and taught a few lessons as well.  Wednesday things got crazier.  In the morning, I had to be back in Antelope for some meetings starting at nine.  So when I got there all of the trainees were there, as well as a whole group of trainers.  So there was 18 Trainees, and 18 trainers at this meeting, it was a huge group.  We met with President and he pumped us up to train, and challenged us all to be super obedient, and work really hard.  Then we met back together again, and we were assigned our new companions.  I was the very first missionary called to the front.  Soon after me Elder Ashby from Pocatello Idaho was assigned to serve with me!  I was so excited because he just looked like a stud.  As we talked and got to know each other a bit, I liked him even more. 

For Elder Ashby's first week we had a lot of success.  We already had 2 baptism dates set, and by Sunday night we had an additional two more set.  It was awesome, Thursday afternoon, Elder Ashby committed our Investigator Ken Prince to baptism which was awesome, and things are just going great.  We have had a bunch of meetings we have attended. so we have not had as much time as I would like to tract and stuff, but the few times that we have he has been a natural at it, and really just friendly.  He is not super self-confident in sharing the Gospel, but who is when they first come out on their missions.  I look forward to being able to learn and grow here in Tempo Park with Elder Ashby.

Saturday was a very special day for me.  Dorothy McDonald whom I taught over in Antelope was baptized Saturday morning.  I don't know if I told you this, but Elder Grover and I found Dorothy while tracting!  She asked Elder Simons and me to both be in the font with her for her baptism, and we were happy to oblige.  It is always so sweet to be able to see such faith, especially because her family tried to stop her from joining the Church.  One of the speakers who is a great friend of Dorothy, promised her that if she made and kept these Baptism Covenants, that there would come a day when her Children, as well as her ancestors would call her blessed for it.  There was power and the confirming witness of the Spirit in those words, and I hope that it comes sooner rather than later.  The baptism also pumped up Elder Ashby, and when I sat back down after getting dressed, he leaned over and told me that we were going to have one soon.  Oh yes we are!  Also at the Baptism was a lady whom I am not sure of her name.  My last week in Antelope however while tracting with Elder Simons we knocked on her door as well.  Now she has a date to be baptized!  It really strengthened my testimony that tracting works, and we can find people doing it!  It was a sweet day, a tender mercy of the Lord.

Things are good life is good, this church is true, and this Gospel can't be beat!  Because the Lord is with us nobody can stand against us.

With all the love that I possess. 

Elder Ellsworth

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