Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December 3rd - 3 weeks in the field

Hi everyone!
So, I'm on time this week, no random closure of the library this week. I've been doing well here in Rockland County, it's been great.
So, I wasn't very clear when I was talking about Marina. She was actually just here on vacation, and was visiting one of our less actives Noelia. Elder Barker and Wilson had met her and started teaching her, and after I came into the area she really started to progress. She was a really neat lady, and her two kids, Junior and Cristina. They left to go back home to Guatemala, they were only here for a short time, but I'm really glad I got to know her. They'll be baptized for sure in Guatemala.
The Martinez family is also getting pretty close to baptism. The mother, Juana, and the two children, Moisés and Cristina, came to church this last week. Juana wants to get baptized, but doesn't want to be alone in her family in the church. The Father has absolutely no interest, and Moisés loved it this week, but we are really focusing on getting Cristina, the daughter whose 17, moving towards baptism. If we can get Cristina to be baptized the whole family will follow.

We actually had 5 investigators at church this last Sunday! The three from the Martinez family, Brother Peña came this week and also Miguel Martinez opened his mission call in Sacrament this last week, and his mother, who is not a member, came to church the week. The Spanish Sunday School class, which is usually just Brother Romero, Sister Peña, and Elder Barker and I, was really awesome this week! I still didn't really understand it though. Spanish is really tough for me still.... but I'm learning.

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