Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas call tomorrow!

Tomorrow I get to talk to you guys!  I'm so excited.
We've been getting quite a bit of snow here. On Friday we got
hit with 9 inches of snow and had to stay inside most of the day.
We had a dinner appointment with one of our members, so we walked
to his house that evening, then walked home afterwards. It was
really neat. We also did a lot of service pushing a lot of cars
that were stuck in the snow. We got hit with another storm on
Sunday, and since we couldn't use the cars we walked to church,
which was about mile and a half. It was really neat.
We waited there for about 20 minutes,because we were the first
ones there, until the Bishop got there. Brother Tai,in the ward
here gave us a ride home afterwards. By then the roads were
alright so we drove the car the rest of the day. When Brother Tai
got the the church it was pretty funny.He got out of his car,
looked around and didn't see either of the Missionary cars,
then yelled at us "Are you crazy?? You guys WALKED here!??"
We told him that, yep, we did. It was a really neat experience,
and it showed to the members that we're dedicated.

This last Sunday we only had 30 people in Sacrament,
because of the snow, and they cancelled the third hour.
Sacrament was a really neat Christmas meeting, with musical numbers.
I actually played in it! I played my "Poor Wayfaring Man
of Grief" piece. It was really cool. I've been staying pretty warm.
On the 6th of December there was a ward Christmas party, and the
Ward gave us a lot of food, and also some hats and gloves.
I still need to buy a scarf and some thermals.

I love you all and hope you have a good day. The other Elders were
really excited about the stockings, especially Elder Quirino, he is
from Brazil, andprobably won't be getting a christmas package from home
for a while, because it takes so long to ship things from Brazil.
When I hung up the four stockings and told him there was one
for each of us he said "Man, your parents are awesome."

Oh, and the reason why we were traveling back and forth to New Jersey
so often that last week was because we had two Christmas firesides to put on.
One on the 12th of December in Morristown, and one the 14th in Union City.
We also had choir practice on the 10th of December, I think, and we had to go
down to Patterson once or twice for packages. This week it has been nice to
get back to work.I'm really excited for Christmas here, we have two dinner
appointments tonight, and I can think of one tomorrow night.

I also enjoyed the picture. It's funny how Ian and
Nick are doing the exact same thing in the picture. That was a really fun
Christmas. That was one of my favorite Christmas memories.

Love you all, Can't wait to talk to you tomorrow.



Suzanne said...

Sounds like he's getting the storms that have already passed through here...tell him there is more snow on the way! :)

lellswo said...

I don't know why this post isn't showing up right. No matter what I do it gets cut off. You get the idea of what Isaac is up to.