Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain....

It has been raining all day today. The weather here is the strangest thing I have ever seen. The forecast yesterday said that we were supposed to get 16 inches of snow last night, when I woke up this morning I found everything COVERED in Ice, and it was raining. It was crazy. It's stayed at about 33 degrees solid since 9:30 this morning, and has been pouring rain. I've been doing really well. We had a bomb lesson yesterday. It was really quite awesome. We fasted on Fast Sunday, and then yesterday decided to fast again, to help us with our appointment. We had interviews in the afternoon, and got back really late. We didn't get to the Peña's house until 7:00, but we had brother Romero with us, which was the key. We taught a lesson about Elder Aidukaitus' talk "Because my Father read the Book of Mormon" and then Elder Kemp extended the Invitation to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon. We already knew that he has a growing testimony of what he needs to do, he comes to church almost every week and reads the Book of Mormon every day. We also talked a lot about baptism. Sister P. was such a champ, totally telling him his baptism was invalid. When we extended a soft baptismal invite (something along the lines of "When you come to know that this is true, would you be baptized) he said "I would, but not right now." It was awesome!!! The last time he was invited, with Elders Barker and Wilcox, he was pretty much against it, but this time he accepted. We are going to set him with a date soon, I just know it. They then fed us dinner, and we broke our fast with that.
It was the best feeling, coming out of that appointment. The Spirit was so strong in there. I was really excited. We are going to have an awesome transfer.
Random tangent. Driving here is crazy. It's even worse in New Jersey, but up here it's pretty crazy to drive sometimes. I've been doing pretty well up here though, but it has been tough. My companion can't drive 'cause he doesn't have a valid license (again, spelling?) So I'm driving this transfer. I hope everyone is doing well back home. Love you all. Elder Isaac.

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