Monday, August 24, 2009

bautismo! (that's baptism in spanish)

This week Isabel Castro will be baptized. She came to church on Sunday and is very excited for her baptism. She has completely quit coffee, and is ready, we will have the baptismal interview on Friday and then the baptism next Sunday! I am very excited. One of the pictures I am sending is of her and me, I will make sure to send a picture from the baptism next week.
Things are going amazing here. Right now we have 5 investigators with baptismal dates. One of them is for this next Sunday. This week will probably be one of the longest weeks of my mission. This is the first time that I have been here for the baptism of an investigator I've taught. Genaro was my first baptism, but I really didn't teach him a lot before his baptism. Isabel: Elder Ward and I taught her before she went on vacation, and Elder Sopeña and I have been teaching her since she got back. Also, she has asked me to perform the ordinance! It's always better if a member performs the baptism, but she really doesn't know any of the brethren in the ward, I am so excited!!!
We also have baptismal dates scheduled for the 6th of September, but we are probably going to set her for a different date, the 13th of September, the 27th of September, and the 4th of October! Next transfer is going to be amazing. Elder Sopeña and I are doing so well here, I hope that we'll stay together next transfer.
I'm really excited to hear that everything is going well with the move. It's probably really chaotic right now. Yesterday we helped teach one of our members how to dedicate his home, and when he blessed and dedicated his home the Spirit was strong, It's weird/cool to think that Dad will be doing that soon for our new house. I still can't get over the fact that you are moving, well, by this time you have moved... weird.
I love the mission, things are going amazing here in Union City. I love this area. The members here are SUPER supportive of missionary work. We are accomplishing a lot. It's very true that when the members are behind the work it is so much better. 3 of our current baptismal dates were member referrals!
I'm glad to hear that everything went well with moving Nick off to college. I hope that everything goes well for him. I haven't heard from him yet, but hopefully I'll hear from him next week. I'm sure that he'll to great off at college.
This whole week has been just unbelievable (spelling?). Neither of us expected the miracles we would see this week. We set 2 new dates this week. We had a goal at the start of this month to set 1 new baptismal date per week in August, so far we've done it, this week setting 2, and this next week we need to set one. Things are going stellar! This week we set Leidy and Gabriel with baptismal dates! Leidy is the niece of one of our members, she is also super excited for her baptism.
Hopefully we don't get transferred. The next transfer conference is on the 2nd of September, so that means that next week I'll have the news whether I am leaving or not. Hopefully not, hopefully Elder Sopeña and I will be together one more.
I love you guys a lot and miss you tons. I'll send some pics today, Elder Sopeña is using my USB drive right now, but once he's done I'll send another email with some pictures. I love you and keep up the good work back home. Em and Ian, good luck in school this year. Mom, that is awesome that you are starting your thesis! it will be awesome! Nick, good luck at SUU. And Dad, good luck with work!
Elder Isaac Ellsworth.

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