Monday, August 31, 2009

Baptism and Transfers

With next week being Labor Day, the email may or may not happen. It will most likely be on Tuesday because the libraries will all be closed on Monday. Hopefully we will be allowed to take an hour on Tuesday to come and do email.
This last Saturday we received the transfer fax. Elder Sopeña is training, but I am not leaving... we will be here in a threesome. It will be very hard. Threesomes are always difficult, it is a small apartment, and getting 5 of us through the shower on time will be tough to accomplish. It will prbably be really good, but I am honestly not excited at all for being in a threesome. It will be tough, being in a companionship, being with the same person for the whole time, is not easy, I think being in a threesome will be even more frustrating.
Other than that things are going well. We had an amazing baptism on Sunday, the spirit was really strong. This is a picture from the baptism. She was in tears, she was really happy to be baptized. Next week will be the confirmation.
This week has been pretty good, it's been a little rough, though. We didn't get as much done this week as we could of. On Tuesday and Wednesday Elder Sopeña and I got sick with food poisoning, and we stayed at home basically all day Wednesday. By Thursday we both were feeling better. The week was good, but we lost a lot of time between being sick, weekly planning, and cleaning the house. We have 3 baptismal dates right now for the next transfer, its going to be good, but I'm really not excited for being in a threesome. But, I guess it's what the Lord wants, but is will most definitely be a trial for me.
I love you guys a lot. I miss you all, but I'm glad to be here on a mission. It is the most difficult but most rewarding thing that I could every do.

Love you,
Elder Isaac Ellsworth

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