Monday, November 30, 2009

December.... and its not even cold yet!

It's December, and it hasn't even got any lower that 40 degrees. It feels a little chilly, but not nearly like it did last winter up in Rockland. I don't even know if we'll have a white Christmas here. The only part that really makes it cold is the wind chill.

As far as transfers go, there is really not much change. We have a new district leader and zone leader, but Elder McBroom and I are still together. We'll be together until probably January 6th, then he'll likely leave the area, but we never know.

This week has been good. Thanksgiving was good, we had a couple of appointments, but the rest of the day was kind of bummer, it's all good, though, we still taught 25 lessons this week, 6 member presents, and found 3 new investigators.

We hopefully will be having a baptism. Jacqueline (this whole time I've been spelling it wrong) is praying about whether to be baptized the 13th or the 20th. We are going by tommorrow, and will hopefully be able to set her with a solid date. We have seen her progress a lot. She has been taught on and off for quite a while, we just need to get her in the water! Her son Jeyckof we have set with a tenative date for the 3rd, meaning he gave us his usual answer of "I try."

Yesterday we had the Christmas fireside in Morristown. We have been practicing for a couple weeks getting ready, it was really quite amazing. The spirit was really strong. We'll be having another one in Union City on the 13th of December. I'm excited, we are trying really hard to invite all of our investigators and make sure that they come. The spirit was really strong last night at the fireside in Morristown.

It was a little down-heartening when we went last night, though. I was there, and the only time I've been on that half of the mission was when I was in Clinton, and I was only there for 6 weeks. No one recognized me. I said hi to a few people, and one of the members from there looked at me funny and said "did you serve in Clinton?" I said yes and she said "oh, okay," and walked away. I remember when I left Clinton I gave my testimony on Fast Sunday, and made a comment that went along the lines of "I'm almost afraid that I didn't have time to accomplish anything in this ward, I'm afraid that no one will even remember my name." and well, I was right.

It's okay, though, In a lot of my other areas I've done a lot of good. Elder Alldredge, our new district leader, just got transferred here from Rockland, and said that they are still talking about me there. I know also that a lot of people in Union City were sad that I left, and almost upset that I didn't have the chance to say goodbye. a lot of people were really excited to see me at the wedding.

Well, I gotta go, I'm about out of time. Love you!
Elder Isaac Ellsworth

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