Monday, October 10, 2011

Life is good!

Well just for a minute I wanted to start off by telling you guys just a little bit about the Gardners, and when I say a little bit, I will probably ramble on and on, but that is okay. The first time I met them, it was the end of the month, and Elder Brown, and I had many extra miles, so I wanted to go and see all of the towns that were far away in our area. So we drove to Lake Shastina, which is like 18 miles from our house in Mount Shasta. We got out there, and Brown was like we should contact his Former Investigator family named the Gardner's, and I really wasn't too thrilled, but we knocked on the door. Nobody answered, so we walked down their walkway towards the lake, and when we got down there, Vonda poked her head over the balcony, and said "oh, somebody was knocking on the door" So we talked to her, and set up an appointment. She was always a little more ready than Jason as we taught them, and wanted to come to church, and pray. Jason started to change and open up as he read from the Book of Mormon. I remember one week at church how he said that I said something that inspired him to start reading. I said that the Book of Mormon is the foundation of our testimony. That was the reason he started reading. Oh, also they have a 3 year old daughter named Kya, and a 1 year old named Roman. So they were reading, and started to pray, and it took a while for Jason's schedule to change, but eventually they made it to church again. They asked me to baptized them before I left, I was more than obliging to that request.

So, this Saturday around 10:45 I had the amazing experience of baptizing this family, that I love so much. I am so grateful that the Lord has touched their hearts. I love them, and know that they will be awesome members. And a year from now, they will receive eternal blessing when they enter the temple, and are sealed for time and all eternity! I hope that I can make it! They were confirmed Sunday in church. Brother Taylor in the ward did that. And Jason was interviewed, sustained and Ordained to the office of a Priest in the Aaronic Priesthood! One cool thing that happened, was when Will Weidmann, passed the Sacrament to Jason and Vonda. That was a sweet experience for me.
In other news. Transfers have come in this morning, and I am getting the boot! I am getting transferred to the Loma Rica ward in the Yuba City stake! Pretty crazy too, my new comp's name is Elder Kevin Whitney, you might know his name, because he worked with me at Camp New Fork! He is one of the Four Whitney Brothers, he has been out for 3 months I think, and he is excited about his work. I am excited to serve with him!! We are going to work our butts off down there. I have loved my past few companions, but I have been waiting for one that just has the fire!! I think Elder Whitney does!

Well that is about all. Life is Good. I love my mission so much, I know this Church is true! It changes lives, and it blesses families!! I know because it has changed my life, and it has blessed my family.
Ian! You heard what the apostles had to say! I urge you, and command you with all of the brotherly love that I possess to prepare for your time to serve now!! This mission is the best decision I have ever made. When you get to see, and be a participant in somebody's conversion, it makes it all worth it! There is sacrifice involved, but that makes this experience so much sweeter. Read, Pray, and Prepare boy! I say that with love ;)
Love all of your gutz do I,
Elder Ellsworth

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