Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Well I will tell you what, when I was growing up and in my special years, I did not see eye to eye with my parents on a lot of things. But the older I get, the more I become like them for some reason. For example Dad hates Holidays especially Halloween, I too now hate Halloween. I think the whole idea is just dumb.haha Dad might be right about stuff once and a while!!

I will get to my week now I guess. It has been an interesting one to say the least. I love Loma Rica that po-dunk little town, but I don't really know how to do work here. There is not a town, no suburbs, as a result we can't really tract. Especially since most people out here are gun weilding pot farmers!! I don't think that they would like two men in black suits coming to knock on their door!! So I guess that is one of my frustrations here, is I don't really know how to work in an area like this.

Also like I said last week our Investigators and Less actives are dropping like flies!! But life is good, I really enjoy serving with Elder Whitney, and I really do love my mission. Well we have both been a little under the weather this week, so I don't have too much to say but I had a couple of stories I want to share.

First is that a recent convert of about 3 months named Melvin Jones died this week. I only met him once, and he was very frail just sitting in his bed when I did meet him. So Thursday morning we get a call from his care taker a member named Gail Scott, she was needing a friendly voice, because the hospice for Melvin had just told her he only had 2-48 hours left to live. Well we decided Thursday afternoon to go and see Melvin, when we got to the house he had already died, so we basically got volunteered to help take his body out to the Funeral home van. I imagined in my head something like the scene from Waking Ned Divine, and as you can guess I was ... Thrilled... to help out. Thankfully they had a stretcher to take him out on. Only on a mission haha. It was kind of funny though, when I said my last respects to him, I could not help but be a little envious of him, because I know he is in the rest of our Savior! What comfort that is to know that.

My second funny experience was just on Saturday night. Our ward had a Halloween party mixed with a Chili Cook Off. Well for my costume I decided that I was going to wear my Dress Lava Lava, and dress up like a missionary serving in Polynesia!! It was awesome and I had a good laugh just watching people's reactions to me wearing it. People asked me if I was supposed to be a sister missionary, and I was asked why I was wearing a skirt like 25 times but It was funny none the less!

Well that is just about all I had to say this week, and I want everybody to know that I love them! I love you guys, and I love my time on my mission. I don't understand how Aunt Effie thinks that two years was long, because it feels like yesterday I was at their farewells (Tyler's and Spencer's), and farewell party saying goodbye to two of my brothers in the Gospel!!
With Loving of your Gutz
Elder Nick Ellsworth

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