Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life is good in Loma Rica!

Dear Family and Friends,
How is life treating you guys over in Utah? Life out here in Loma Rica is good. The Lord is really blessing us and we are having a lot of success. I am really grateful that I feel his Spirit stronger in my life. I love being able to have somebody that I have been teaching get baptized and this week for the third time in four weeks, we have had a young man follow Christ and enter the waters of Baptism. John is an awesome young man. He may not know a lot, but he did know that he wanted to follow Christ. We had his baptism on Saturday, and what a good expirience that was for all of us. I was once again honored and asked if I would be in the water to baptize him. I really cherish every time I am asked by these wonderful people to do that. It is really crazy how much you start to care about these people. You think about them, and you pray for them, and you hope that they will have those righteous desires. Sometimes they do, and they get baptized, and sometimes they are not willing to make those sacrifices. Every time, I am able to learn and grow, and develop as a missionary.
I am also grateful that I am still in my area. I was a little bummed out at first, but now I am getting excited. We don't have anybody ready right now, but we really hope that we will be able to work effectively this transfer, and help others come unto Christ. Elder Lee is still Elder Lee, but I need to love him, and respect him, and sustain his righteous actions. I don't always have to approve of his ways, but I still can love the person.
I am also so glad that I have the chance to learn, whil serving as a district leader. I really am learning a lot. Patience is probably a big one the Lord is trying to drill into me. But sometimes it takes him a while to get through to me! I enjoy teaching in District Meeting, and being able to learn from the members of our District. I hope they continue to be obedient, and strive to be their best.
Sorry it is short this week, I hope all is well, and I love y'alls gutz!
Stay safe
Elder Ellsworth

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