Monday, February 27, 2012

Life in Loma Rica

To the Fam,
Well things are hoping here in Lom Rica (Lohm Rick-a). I am really learning a lot, and enjoying my time serving with Elder Lee. It was a surprise for sure, but I am grateful for it! We have been really blessed this week, and though we didn't have a baptism we were able to find a couple of New Investigators.

Candice was a 17 year old girl that Elder Whitney and I were teaching when I first arrived here, and shortly after I came she disappeared off the face of the earth. We found her and talked to her two weeks ago, and this week, we taught a lesson about baptism, and set up a lesson for next week, so hopefully it all works out.

We also found a lady named Pat. Pat is in her 70's and she was taught by missionaries clear back in "05 and hasn't since. We went by on Wednesday and met her, and gave her a copy of the book of Mormon, and Saturday we went by with Brother Littlefield, and she had already read 4 chapters. We talked about the Promise of the Book of Mormon, and went on our way. We hope to be able to set two baptism dates this week with them!
We also went and attended the 7th day Adventist Church in Dobbins California. We have an Investigator who attends there, and he really wanted us to come, so we went on Saturday. They really had a weird service. It was a lot like ours, but they showed some videos, and people kept saying "praise the Lord" from the audience. But they were all very gracious and warm towards us, and they insisted that we stay and have lunch with them. During their service they even shared a scripture from the Book of Mormon! One person opened his copy (no idea where he got it, our why he brings it to church with him) and read from Mosiah Chapter 13 about the 10 Commandments. It was awesome!! It was a good experience especially because I have never attended any other church before at least that I can remember.
I really don't have that much to say this week. Sorry it is short, but I want you all to know that I love you bunches and bunches. And for all y'alls information I have not gotten a letter in like two weeks.
Sincerely and with oodles of love
Elder Ellsworth
P.S. I am not mad, I am just being cheeky ;)

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