Saturday, July 28, 2012

What's up in Utah?

Dear Family, and Friends
Well life out here in the mission is as usual crazy.  It never seems to slow down.  It is this week going to be week six of the transfer once again, and a week from tomorrow I could be transferred for the last time.  Who knows though.  I believe that I will be transferred one more time before my mission is through, but I am not sure if it will be next week or the following transfer.  It should be exciting either way.  I would love to stay for a couple of reasons, and I would also love to leave Antelope for a few reasons as well.  I love Elder Simons, we work very well together, and we just have very similar personalities.  It is a lot of fun to be with him.  I really love a lot of our Investigators.  I also really enjoy working with Brother Round, he is the Ward Mission Leader in our family ward.  He is such a sarcastic guy, but we get along great, probably because we both give each other a hard time.  Somedays we gang up on Elder Simons as well.  It is great.  I am very tired of being a Zone Leader though.  It just takes away from the time we get to proselyte, and I don't like dealing with other Elders problems very much.  It keeps things interesting, but I don't love it that is for sure.  I also am worn out of working with this Ward.  In Particular our family Ward.  They are very good people, but just really hard to work with, and not super supportive or friendly in missionary work.  I will also miss the Singles Ward, I really like a ton of the members there.
Next week will be very nuts.  Because of some things that happened this week.  We have two baptisms of people that I have worked with here coming up which should be great.  Mark Andrews, is a great guy.  He is married to a member who was baptized about 4 years back.  So he already had a basic knowledge of what it meant to be a member of the church.  He has lived a rough life, and hasn't always been a great guy, but he wants to change now, and be a better man.  We have been teaching him for about 2 months.  We picked him up because he called us and wanted us to come and teach him about Christ.  We are excited to see him enter the Waters of Baptism next Saturday.  Alicia is from our Young Single Adult ward.  We met her when she came to church with a friend and wanted a copy of the Book of Mormon.  However she lives out of the mission.  But this week on Saturday we had a lesson with her, which was great as usual.  She reads the Book of Mormon every single day and already knows that it is true.  She also reads our pamphlets that we leave with her and knows the material before we teach her about it.  When we passed her off to the Sacramento Missionaries, she told them she still wants to be baptized next Saturday so they agreed.  So we will attend her Baptism in the morning, and Elder Simons will baptize her, then we will run back to our baptism with Mark.  It will be an amazing day.  I am very excited.
We had a miracle on Sunday as well.  Passing off Alicia, is one of the hardest things that I have had to do on my mission.  But on Sunday we met a new guy named Frank.  He is Polynesian.  He has his girlfriend out on her mission right now, and he reads from the Book of Mormon every day because she encourages him to.  He has grown up around the Church and he has felt the Spirit very strongly at our meetings.  We had a lesson with him yesterday at the chruch and we were able to set a date for his baptism on the 25th of August, but as it turns out he might live outside of the mission as well.  We will sort things out though.  Life is treating me very very well.  I am grateful for the many blessing that I have felt in my life, and I hope to be able to be a great tool in the Hands of God.  I love this work, even the hard days.  I love this time I have to be a tool in the hands of God.  This Church and Gospel are true. 
Dad, I hope that you have a blast up there in the Wind Rivers, I am super jealous of your trip, and someday in the near future we will have to go up there as well.  I love backpacking!  Well thanks a ton and a half you guys rock!
With Love
Elder Nick Ellsworth

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