Monday, October 15, 2012

How is October half over already.....

Dear Family,
I don't understand why it has been going so stinking quickly lately.  Time that is, it really feels like just a few short days ago it was July!  And now look we are heading into the End of October allready.  Not going to lie, when Halloween, then Thanksgiving role by, I am going to have a panic attack, because it is just too quickly leaving me in the dust!!!  This week was a very enjoyable one.  We had a lot of cool experiences and a bunch of exchanges, but life keeps flying by, oh and by the way it is week 6 once again, so once again I am in danger of being transferred away!  Better not, that would not be very cool!! 
Well things are going very well this week, and we kept very busy, and were able to get a lot done!  I really have grown to love being busy, now I was very much chastised for that this past conference, so I will have to repent, and not like it so much, but it makes life quick, when you can't stop running around getting things done.  I guess it isn't so bad now because most of the things on our to do list involve baptizing people, and inviting everyone else to come unto Christ.  It should be a lot of fun this week, because we will have a whole lot of miracles for sure! 
That referral that we got from the Bishop for the Hunt family is pretty nice people, they didn't end up coming to Church, but we do have a lesson set up this evening with them at the Church.  It should be good to get to know them.  When we spoke with Roxanne the wife, she told us that she would be interested in Joining our church and that was just at the doorstep!  She has seen the change in her good friend Melody, and she desires those same blessings for her life I guess.  So we are excited and hope to possibly set a date with them to be baptized hopefully on the 17th at the same time as Christopher would be really wicked awesome.
We had a baptism on Friday for our good friend, and brother Randy Shelton.  A few weeks back I suggested to Randy while I was on an exchange that he should ask Elder Ashby to baptize him.  Elder Ashby was asked, and he was so nervous and excited to assist Randy in this regard as Randy entered those baptism waters, it was a great ordinance, and such a great experience for my young companion.  I think that it really has energized him, and made him want to be the very best that he can from now on.  On Sunday we had Bishop Weight do Randy's confirmation and that was a very cool experience as well.  We both were able to stand in, and Randy was excited to have the Gift of the Holy Ghost to be his constant companion.  What a blessing.
We also have a baptism coming up this Saturday for Sister Grace.  She is a sweet heart, and the 20th will be her Baptism date as well as her 10th Birthday.  She is so excited and looking forward to it.  Her Father Curt was not active in the Church for his entire adult life, and has recently been changing his life to bring it in line with God's will.  I hope that both of their examples can impact Curt's wife, she will be attending and we hope to be able to start to teach her about the restored Gospel. 
We have also been working with a family that has struggled with activity.  The Cary family are such great people.  They have a nine year old and an eight year old that have both decided to be baptized as well.  We have been working on the scheduling, and finally the stars aligned and they will be baptized this Saturday as well.  Grace will be at 11 they will be at 12 so we are obviously excited for these ordinances to take place.  They are all such wonderful kids, and have that desire to come unto Christ!
Things are great and we are blessed.  We are nervous because this week we are going to attempt to address with Steve and Chantelle, and invite them to get married so they can be baptized.  They are very committed to each other, so I don't think that it will be a huge step for them to make that step.   We are so nervous because that is a big thing to ask.  They have that desire to be baptized however so I hope that it all works out, I will let you know how it went next week.  They are so awesome.  They had us over this week for dinner when I was on exchanges, and they invited us back this Thursday again for dinner and a lesson, so I think that they like us.  Plus they have both been reading in the Book of Mormon and Steven came to church this Sunday.  Chantelle didn't make it because she was up all night with a fussy baby, but hopefully we can catch them for next week! 
Life is treating me so well, and I do not even know why.  I definitely haven't earned it, but hey I won't complain!
With Love
Elder Ellsworth
P.S.  I would love to start attending school at Utah Vally University soon after returning home.  Sign me up for whatever you would like!
P.P.S.  I spoke with a brother who works at the MTC the other day, and that is going to be my goal when I get home to get on working there. 

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