Monday, October 1, 2012

Fall has not arrived

Dear Fam,

I really don't know what you are talking about because fall has not arrived.  I can testify to that because this entire week is supposed to be 100+!  ugh  I thought that the heat of the summer had passed me by.  But I will still have to ride my sweaty self in the heat on my bike for a while yet!  It is all good though I am not too worried about it.  I have had a really good week.  I am going to write a letter today, so I am not spending a lot of time emailing right now. 

We picked up another awesome young family this week named Steve, and Chantelle.  It was super awesome.  Monday night we were coming out of a lesson with a Less active family, and started to get ready to ride our bikes home for the night.  As I looked out across the parking lot of the apartment complex, I saw this young family sitting down, and playing a game with their son.  So we went over and talked with them.  We gave them a Book of Mormon, and set a time to come back and visit, and teach them about this book.  Our first lesson fell through, and then we saw them at Lunch in a restaurant we had another lesson set up the next day, and they told us they were excited to meet with us!  We set down in their apartment on Saturday afternoon, while there we felt the Spirit very strongly, and Chantelle told us that she had read Moroni 10:3-5 and had felt something inside of her while she read.  We testified that that wast the Spirit testifying to her that this book was true.  It was awesome.  We are looking forward to teaching them.

Things are great, and our area is doing very well.  I look forward to the challenges ahead.  This week we are moving to a new apartment, and I think that a change of scenary will be a breath of fresh air for me. 

I love you lots,

Elder Ellsworth

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