Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This week has been really good. We are getting really close to having a baptismal date! Keashawn is progressing really well. Last Wednesday we had an appointment with him at 12:30, after I had written email, and we taught him the plan of salvation lesson. He had a lot of really cool questions, and he really wants to know. Well, at the end of the lesson I extended what we call a "soft" baptismal invite. "Keashawn, when you know that this is true, would you be baptized" sort of thing, and without any hesitation he said Yes. Well, that's not the best of it! On Saturday we missed an appointment with him, Saturdays are not the best day for him we think. But on Sunday he came to church. AND he brought his cousin Rob with him. It was pretty cool. They got there two hours late, and only made it to priesthood, but it was really awesome. they BOTH made really awesome comments in class. Keashawn even said that next week he would like to bring his 12 year old brother to church as well. We have another appointment with Keashawn later today, and Rob is going to be there as well, we haven't taught Rob at all yet, so we are probably going to teach the first lesson again. We also are going to watch the Restoration video.

I'm glad to hear that things are going well at home. I think that "Puddinghead" would be an even more humiliating name than Muttonhead. I'm glad to hear that Emily is excited. It's weird to think that I will most likely never see this puppy. It's also really weird to think that I have been out here for so long. Seven months! the time is going pretty fast.

Oh, I wanted to tell you one more story. Last night we got a really cool new investigator. HIs name is Frank Opong-Wiredu. We got him as a media referral, he had requested a free Lamb of God DVD, and when we originally got the text message we looked at it and were really confused, and didn't know how to pronounce his last name. We thought it was a mistake. Sure enough, when we got there that was his name. He is really open, and we mostly talked about hardship, and trial, and taught a little bit about prophets. He seems really open, and asked us if he could meet with us once a week. It was really cool.

Nick, Emily and Ian , keep up the good work in school, I love you guys a ton, and am excited to hear from you all and to talk to you in a month. I looked and there are 4 sundays left, and three more Wednesday email until Mother's day. Not that I'm counting down the days though.
Elder Isaac Ellsworth

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