Monday, March 1, 2010

Marching along.....

Wow, it's hard for me to believe that March is already here. I have almost no idea of where February went. Things have been going well here. We are still trudging along a little bit. Things are still a little slow in the area, but this week we are focusing a lot on finding, and hopefully can jump start things and start off the new month strong.

This week we got pounded with snow. It started snowing on Thursday and it snowed straight through all of Friday as well. In total we got hit with about 26 inches of snow. On Friday we helped a few people shovel their walkways. We were not far from our house, and we saw a lady trying to shovel, just her and her two sons, who were about 10 and 8. We offered to help and she accepted. It was a lot of work, it took us about an hour and a half to complete it, afterward she tried to offer us money, we didn't accept it, but she did give us some wool socks, which was very kind of her.

The first picture attached here is not from this last snow storm, but from one a couple of weeks ago. Dad wanted a picutre of me in Missionary Clothes, so here it is. There is this sign on Boulevard East in West New York that I thought was pretty cool, I thought the slogan was hilarious "A good place to live and shop" I disagree, but oh well. Maybe a good place to shop, but other than that...

On Saturday Jacqueline and her family moved. They moved out of our area, but they are still in the ward. They live in Fairview. When we helped them move, it was ONLY myself and Elder Butler, Jacqueline and her husband. By the end of it I was so worn out. The second picture is me goofing around in the moving van. It was good, her husband wants to invite us over sometime, he wants to cook for us to say thank you.

Then the third picture is from the baptism we had a week ago. Gilberto Luna. They are a really awesome family. Sister Benal really wants to move to Utah. She has actually been looking for a place in Orem, she found one apartment around 400 N and 400 W. She really wants to move there, and if it all works out for them, that's great. She wants to go out there and take a look around the neigborhood (spelling?) and everything, but she said that she doesn't know anyone out there who could help her. I was thinking about offering to give her your email so she could get in touch with you mom, if that'd be alright with you. Just let me know what you think. They are a really awesome family.

On this last Wednesday we had interviews with the mission president. I was talking to him about college, departure, etc. I have set the date for my departure. I will be coming home on August 25th. That means I have less than 6 months left on my mission.

Thank you dad for taking care of that debt I had to the school. That could have ended up really bad. I guess it was from the testing center or something, and I had completely forgot about it. Hopefully now I'll be able to find out my registration date and everything.
I love you all and miss you so much. I hope that things go well for everyone. I will write to you next week.
Elder Isaac Ellsworth

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