Friday, June 11, 2010


I'm glad to hear that every one is doing well. I know that summers are sometimes the most hectic time of the year. I hope everyone has a great time this summer.
As for summer, here it's been ridiculously hot recently. We come home at the end of the day so incredibly sweaty. It's been fun, though.

I'm glad to hear that Nick will be seeing the stake president Tomorrow, I hope that the papers get submitted, I'm excited to talk to everyone, hopefully he has his call by then...
Everything is goin well for me here. On sunday we had a baptism. Brian Arias, the 9 year-old we've been working with, got baptized. His step-father, brother Correa, received the Aaronic priesthood Yesterday during the third hour, Elder Larsen gave it to him. Then after church he baptized is step-son. It was really good for that family, he really needed to get the priesthood. Our next goal is to help them prepare to go to the temple and get sealed as a family.

Also on Sunday Juan Hiraldo got the Aaronic priesthood. It was really good. I have really gained an appreciation for the priesthood as I've been on my mission, and Sunday made me reflect on that a little more. It is the power to bless lives, and to bring salvation to God's children. I am so glad that I grew up in a home where there was the priesthood, and where I had a father who was a righteous priesthood holder, I know it was a great blessing for all of us, and I am grateful.

In other news, we should be having a baptism next week, but it's starting to look a little doubtful. Joseph was really excited last week, and he said he had gotten an answer, and on Tuesday he was also still excited. However, on Friday when we went over doubt had crept in. We simply encouraged him to pray about it, and if he still didn't feel ready on Tuesday when we came over we'd move his date. I trust, though that he'll get an answer.
Um, in other news, we are doing well. However, we do need to find some more new investigators, we've been baptizing all our good investigators. We have another guy set with a date, but he is going to go to the english ward, so we need to pass him off to the other Elders.

Well, I hope everyone is doing well, I've been doing great, and I love missionary work. I'm so grateful for all the prayers and support. I love you all so much.
Elder Isaac Ellsworth

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