Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years

Well it is already P-day again, it feels like it was literaly yesterday that I was emailing you.  I cannot even describe how grateful I am to the wonderful members here is Cottonwood California.  I have yet to eat a dinner on my own buck.  Which is just a blessing.  New Years Eve as well as last night we ate with Bishop Franklin.  He is the former bishop of the Cottonwood ward, and he was a former caterer for his career.  And I will tell you this, I can see why.  The man can cook.  Two days ago he made us Tri-tip steak, It was divine.  He had two whole steaks left over and uncooked.  So he gave them to us, and they currently reside on our fridge.  Last night he made us some melt in your mouth barbeque ribs.  Wholly Cow,  They were so good, we also ended up again with left overs.  He is a great man, and he does all that he can to help us out.  Feeding us is not hurting I will say that much.
 Still have not taught a lesson which is a little bit frustrating but hopefully we can find somebody this week.  Ron our smoking sort of investigator is moving so we don't even have him anymore.  Tracting is highly ineffective we probably walk more miles than houses we knock... a slight exageration. 
Basically we are not having very much luck with our work at the moment.  But I am trying not to get discouraged.  I love you all very much.  I am so grateful to be in the Service of God.  I hope that it will bless you as much as it has me. 
Oh I almost forgot wants and needs list.  Do not buy a GPS yet, I won't need one until I get transferred so I will let you know.   I need singulair eventually, as well as Advair sooner than that.  remember the advair are in those silver envelope type things.   My running shoes would be nice to have...well I am sorry it was short again, just not that much to say about it.  I love you all so much, and please send me dad's email address, I don't know what it is!
Here is what I do know.  I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.  I know that because I have asked, almost every day out here.  I have had that confirmed to me by the Holy Ghost.  I know that the church of Jesus Christ is God's church and his Gospel restored in these latter Days.  I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, called of God.  He was for-ordained before he was even born to restore this church.  I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, he atoned and then died for my sins, and yours.  I know that Thomas Monson is a mordern day prophet on this earth.  I know that I am doing God's will out here, even if I am not having success.  I hope to have one convert out here, and that will be me.  I love the Lord.  I love my Family.  I love my friends.

Love Elder Ellsworth

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