Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hello Again from Mt. Shasta!

Wow I can hardly believe how time flies!  It has been so fast, this week I hit my 5 month mark since a arrived in California!  Also this is already week 5 of the Transfer this week!  I don't even believe how fast it goes.  
This week has been another slow one, but I have some things that I will talk about.  For most of the week Elder Brown has been pretty sick, and so we have been in and out...  We are still trying to get stuff done, but it has been a toss up because he has a nasty cough, and nobody really wants that in their home!  So we have been picking and choosing what we go too.  Mostly we stay home, and go to our set appointments.  It has been a real bummer!  But because of having so much time at home I have read a ton in the Book of Mormon.  Since last Sunday I started in the book of Omni, Last Sunday I read the entire book of Heleman, and since that time I have read the book of Alma, finishing it last night!  As you can probably tell I have had a lot of down time, and many oppurtunities to read this past week.  
The other thing that I wanted to talk about was the Gardener's!  We missed them this past week, and I was a little bummed about that, but Elder Brown was sick and they have two little kids, so I thought it was the best to cancel it.  They came to church yesterday, and stayed for the whole three hours!  Not only that but they loved it!  Their two year old daughter Kiya was crying again, because she wanted to stay because she had so much fun!  I was again very impressed by the ward, because they were so great, warm, and welcoming!  I was very impressed, especially with the Taylor Family.  Brother Taylor was the last Bishop in the Ward, and he is very missionary minded.  He mentioned last week at dinner that the week before he wished that he would have sat with the Gardener's with his family.  So this week, he did.  Him, his wife, their 13 year old daughter, and their 8ish year old daughter.  They took Kiya, and kept her happy for the entire meeting playing barbies with her!  It was so awesome that they did that.  We were talking to Brother Gardener later after Priesthood had ended, and he mentioned that he had read 14 chapters in 1Nephi!  Now keep in mind that when they were taught before they never attended church or read.  He said that something that I said in our last meeting had inspired him to read, It stuck out to him I guess.  I mentioned that the Book of Mormon is the foundation of our belief and our testimony.  And that really hit home with him for some reason, and as a result he read a bunch!  Plus the talk in church talked all about Nephi, and he was excited becuase he had just read that!  What a great experience! 
One more thing as of this morning, the Griffeth's are on pace to be baptized on June 4th.  Next Sunday is do or die though.  If they don't come they will have to postpone!  So they had better go!  Elder McAllister is going home on June 7 so it is now or never for him!  Well that is about the jist of my week, I was able to keep busy this week despite being home for a good portion of it.  I cleaned our entire apartment so that is good.  Also Elder Brown is going to take the test to get his learner's permit today so things are about to get pretty interesting... I am actually not that excited about it especially if he gets all of the driving priveleages.  That would suck!  Well that is it.  I have run out of things to say... So ....   Love your stinking Gutz! 
Elder Ellsworth
Hey I would love copies of some talks!
I would like a copy of the Raising the Bar talk by Elder Ballard, and the talk by President Hinckley that talks about Raising the Bar. 
Also I need Alyssa Richins, and Nat Bristow's addresses, I only have their school address, and I am guessing that they are home by now so I cannot write them!
Thanks for everything, and I got the money thx Isaac and Ian!

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