Monday, July 18, 2011


Well this week leading up to transfers, I was once again caught in the thought, that I really don't have a preference.  I could see myself being here for another Transfer, and if I were to leave that would not be that big of a deal.  
Well it turns out that President Weston is not transfer happy.  I will be staying in Mount Shasta for six more weeks serving with good old Elder Clifford!  I am really excited for these next six weeks, but I have some high expectations for us.  I have some goals that I want to acheive personally, and as a companionship.  I am going to make a greater effort to be the best I can be! 
I had a long two day exchange this week with Elder Squires down in Shasta Lake, and he really did impress me.  He has been out for a couple months more than m
I have been much more obedient this week, but the better I am, the better I want to be!  I figure that that is a good thing.  Well I will tell you guys a few of my goals that I have.  First off is I want to finish the D+C by the end of July, I am on section 77 now, so I am on pace to complete it.  Personally I have a huge goal for myself.  I have this system of keeping track of my obedience, I have little sticker stars, there are 5 different colors, I get one in my planner day for each of the tasks I complete.  They are getting up at 6:30, working out in the morning, effective studies, 6 pages of the standard works daily preferebly not in my morning studies, and the last one is writing in my journal.  So this transfer, my goal is too get every star every day for 42 straight days! It is pretty cheesy if I do say so myself, which I do!  But it is an easy way to keep track of how I am doing. 
And my goal with Elder Clifford is to do a finding activity daily this transfer.  This transfer is going to be a good one I can feel it. Well I have pretty much run out of things to say.  I love you guys a whole lot, and will twalk to you guys next week!
Elder Ellsworth
Thought of the Week:
 No, in matter of discipleship the Church is not a fastfood outlet; we can't always have it "our way".  Some day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ and that Salvation can only come His way.

The picture was taken this morning. There was 15 feet of snow blocking the road!

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