Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 5th of July!

Well this is probably the most notable week of my mission thus far.  I had a couple of cool experiences that I wanted to share with you guys.  First off was this week we got our new mission President!  On Thursday President Weston arrived out here in California with his young family to the place that they will live for the next three years.  Three hours later President Pendleton went to the airport and flew back to Utah, which he described as now being jobless, homeless, and living on church welfare! I have really enjoyed getting to know him and have learned so much under his leadership for these past few months.  I have not met President Weston yet, but this Thursday we our having our zone conference, which will be great, followed by interviews so hopefully I will get to know him just a little bit. 

After that my week went pretty unfazed until on Friday morning I got a call from Elders McCollough and Ericson from Cottonwood.  They informed me that the Griffeth family, whom I taught for four months in Cottonwood, were getting baptized... the next day, at two in the afternoon.  Needless to say I was a little bit annoyed that I wasn't told this until the day before it was going to happen.  So Saturday morning Elder Clifford and I drove down to Cottonwood.  I first saw the Griffeth's while the whole family was sitting in the Foyer of the Anderson Stake Center, and they recognized me immediately!  The boys came up, and wanted a high five, and it was super awesome to see this great family.  Justin, the husband, is a less active member, and his wife Amber, and her four kids were taking the lessons.  The Oldest three, Sean, Seth, and Michael, all got baptized, while Zach, who is only 5 watched jealously—he wanted to get in the water too!  It is really hard to describe what I felt as they were each in turn baptized.  I have hope for this family; I know that they are taking the first step to Eternal Life.  I was so happy!  I can't even describe it.  I love that family and those four boys were awesome.  I am so happy that my Father in Heaven gave me the opportunity to learn and grow with them.  I am grateful that I was able to know this family, grateful that his Holy Spirit came and touched their lives, and grateful that they are willing to enter into this covenant with God.  It was incredible how they have changed from the first day that we ever met them.  Six months ago, Elder Thompson and I went to their house where previous missionaries had lost contact with them after an awesome first lesson.  We gave those kids each their own copy of the Book of Mormon.  Now they are so different.  Amber couldn't keep a smile off of her face!  What a blessing this Gospel is.  It brings joy to all!

Well that was my week.  The 4th of July in Mount Shasta is...odd.  The hippies are real, and they are interesting bunch.  Yesterday was a full p-day, so we got to just hang out at all of the stuff pretty much all day.  We even watched fireworks last night.  Our AP's said that if a member drove us that we could watch them, and we did not got home last night until 10:33, so today I am flat out pooped!  Well enough of my rambling.  I love you guys a whole giga-ton! 

Elder Ellsworth

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