Monday, January 9, 2012

Hello again,

Dearest Family and Friends,
Well I want to apologize for my dismal email last week. I was typing it on a little kindle because the library was closed, and I just got tired of typing on it, so I sent the email! My last few weeks has been nice. We have been working hard for the most part, and I have been trying my best to be Obedient. Actually I have had some amazing experiences, and I am getting into it simply being a habit for me to wake up at 6:30. I have woken up on time for 14 days in a row now. And I have worked out for a majority of them! It has been hard, especially because my companion has gotten up 2 of those days, but I really do feel blessed as I am obedient to the rules. The work has also been picking up lately. We have found some success, so I will tell you about a few of the people we are working with.
Jason is a 14 year old boy, he is a direct descendant of Joseph Smith! Since I am Joseph's first cousin 5 times removed, that makes me and Jason 5th cousins 5 times removed (maybe). He is sweet, two of his best friends are members, and that is where we have been having our lessons, at the Pietz home. They are awesome young family in our ward. With Jason being a descendant of Joseph Smith he knows about the Church a bit. He has been before with his Grandma, and even has his own Quad! He is very receptive, and we are trying to get into his home and meet and teach a lesson to his mother and two sisters.
William is another 14 year old. I have actually never met him, but I have a lesson with him this week! He has been taught by the Marysville Missionaries, and he lives in our ward boundaries, he has a baptism date for February 4th, and I am excited to teach him. We told the Ward Council what we know about him, and actually a bunch of the members, knew who he was! It will be exciting to invite him out to our ward.
Ryan is about 25. He is pretty knowledgeable about the Church, and has studied a couple of Church books. I am not sure how interested he is, but we have a lesson at the church this week as well, so hopefully I will have more to report next week.
Eric is 22. He is married and has a child with an active member in our ward. He is open to what we say, but he doesn't really care to do much about it. He has been taught for almost a year now, but we are still working with him towards baptism. He is an awesome man!
As you can see we are having a lot of success working with young men! I don't know why, but that seems to be most of who I have taught on my mission! I am excited about the work, and I just love to work hard!! I love being beat when I get home for the day! I love hitting the sack, and night always goes way too fast!! I blink and my alarm is calling me out of bed for yet another day.
Well I had better wrap things up! I got places to go, and people to bowl with and play basket ball. Before I leave, I will tell you about my District a little bit. The Wheatland Elders are Elder Newcomb, and Elder Dryer, both awesome hard working Missionaries. The Marysville Elder are Elder Thompson (not my papa), and Elder Simons. We also have the Olivehurst Elders, Elder Moyle, Elder Paramore, and Elder Talbot. They are busy, they have the Hmong people to teach as well as the people in Olivehurst, and also have to do all the Zone Leader stuff! They are busy!
Well I am going to let you guys go now! I love y'all's gutz, and will talk to you next week!
With Love
Elder Ellsworth
P.S. Would you send me a Calendar with pictures of Christ on it? I am stuck with one from the Sikh Temple at the moment!

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