Monday, March 12, 2012

Visit with L. Tom Perry!

Dear Family and Friends,
Well I must admit this week has been fo-shizzlin awesome! I really had a good one, with a lot of exchanges and a lot of fun! So let me tell you a little bit about it. First off Tuesday morning I was with Elder Simon, who is a missionary serving in Marysville. He is a good guy, and is trying to turn his mission around and be a harder worker. We went out and cut wood with a member for like 4 hours! It was not meant to be that long, but it was a lot of fun! We had a couple of good lessons this week, with Drealton, and with Pat. Both of whom are progressing towards baptism and doing pretty well. Drealton moved out from her parents, and into this trailer. I am a little bit worried about here because that trailer park is ghetto! But other than that she is doing well.
As you guys know this Thursday we had an awesome meeting with Elder L. Tom Perry! It was down in Antelope at the biggest chapel I have ever seen! And not only us, but the Sacramento mission was also invited. So as you can guess, it was a sea of Black suits, and parted hair! I even saw another kid from Timpanogos there, serving in the Sac. mission! The meeting was great, Elder L. Tom Perry, and his wife, and a member of the Presidency of the Seventy were there, and they brought the Spirit in such rich abundance! They gave it to us hard, that we need to represent the church well, I like it better when they give it that way. But they also expressed their love for us.

Now I am going to brag on myself for just a minute here. So as we were getting ready to go to this meeting Thursday morning, Elder Lee, did his hair a little bit different, he put his laniard in his pocket, he also even changed his belt buckle, from a skate brand to a normal buckle. As we went to the Marysville Elders' apartment, both of them commented on how they hadn't parted their hair in months! I was very proud of myself that when an apostle of God came to visit our mission, I dressed the same way, I wore the same tie I would have, I did my hair the exact same way I do every day, even today on P-day. It really did make me feel good, that the way I am, I didn't have to change to feel worthy to be in the presence of an apostle. So enough bragging on myself! I did however remove my I heart Weed sunglasses from the car, and I haven't put them back, nor will I. So I still have a lot of work to do, but every time I dedicate myself even a little bit more, I feel great. I love living a consecrated life. I strive everyday to give more to the Lord, and I hope to work, until I give all to the Lord!

Other than that my week was pretty dull. I am really excited at how fast this transfer has been going, and I am ready for transfers once again in two weeks. But this time I won't be checking out of my area early!
I love all y'all with the aorta of my heart!
Elder Ellsworth

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