Monday, March 26, 2012


Dear Family, and Friends,
Well as you know transfers are this week! And transfer week stinks, it is really hard to focus on missionary work, and the last transfer week was very bad for me! Last Transfer I was pretty sure I was leaving, and in a sense I checked out my last week of last transfer. We did not get a whole lot of work done because of that. So this week I really applied myself. Even though I was still pretty sure that I would be leaving as well. We really did work hard! We taught 15 lessons this week, which was the most we have had this transfer, and possibly the most we have taught together! It was great.
We had our ward Chapel Dinner and Chapel tour this week as well. I was stressed out of my mind about it because it felt like it was all up to me to get it done. Brother Littlefield had been out of town until Monday and the potluck was Friday, so Elder Lee and I did just about everything to make it all work out good. It was a huge success, there was a ton of food, and around 100 people that came. We had a couple of non-members go around on the tour which was great, so hopefully that will open up some future possibilities. We had a pinata after it all went down, and it was epic. Ryan Ellyson was in charge of keeping it alive, and I lined up the kids from shortest to tallest to take a whack at it. When it finally met its demise the kids mobbed the ground trying to get to the candy! It was crazy, the good news is thought that nobody got hurt!
We had a couple of good lessons as well. We met with all of our Investigators this week, well the ones that are progressing, and this are really does have a lot of potential for the next couple of transfers. They could have a few baptisms coming up but nothing super close right now. Which is good because I am getting transferred! I am going to serve down in the Antelope Stake. I will covering a ward, as well as a singles branch! It should be an adventure! Well I know it will be because that is how my entire mission has been thus far. It always seems to throw me for a loop. I love this ward, and am sad to leave. But it is time to move on. I really love Elder Lee as well. I really want to apologize for complaining about him a lot. I really care about him, but at times he would frustrate me. But overall these past 3 transfers have been great. I have been smiling and laughing a whole lot more than I have been fuming. I am excited for more adventures with Elder Grover my new comp! Plus bonus points because I here my new house is legit! It is a four bedroom two bathroom house in a gated community for the two of us! BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA!! haha Love y'all talk to you next week!
With love,
Elder Ellsworth

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