Monday, July 2, 2012

Only a partial letter......

Dear Family and Friends,
I just finished one of the most stressful weeks of my entire life.  It was a doozy.  We had an amazing week planned, especially because the week before we were working our buts off, and we got a lot of things done.  So we were looking forward to a good one, little did we know what this week was going to be like. 
We started off Tuesday was a great day.  We had Elder Barney with us, so it was not super productive, when we have Elder Barney we can't go tracting, or about our normal activities, so we really just got to our appointments.  I always love being with Elder Barney because he really invites the Spirit, but it is very tiring having him with us, because into every house we visit, we have to help him every step of the way.  He has Serebral Palsy, so he can't walk on his own, he has a walker that he can get around in pretty well though.  He also is very smart, he is really all there upstairs, but he does not speak very fast.  But he can crack jokes just like anybody else can.  What a great day it was on Tuesday life was good.  We even set  a baptisimal date Mark Andrews for the end of July, so we look forward to that date with anticipation. 
Tuesday evening things got interesting.  We got a call from President Weston on Tuesday afternoon asking us what time we could be home, and help him out.  There was a companionship in our zone, that needed to be split up, and they needed to both stay over at our apartment.  It was a very stressful situation.
Hey I am not going to be able to finish this email. so I will write you a letter and send it this evening!

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