Monday, October 2, 2017

Conference Weekend

WOW!! This conference has been so amazing!  So many amazing talks from the seventies and also the apostles!! Elder Hollands talk during the Saturdayymorning session was AMAZING, about the sermon on the mound!  It was so funny and shined a light on something I didn't know much about.

 "The final commandment in the chain is sure to do the job, 'be ye there perfect, even as your Father in Heaven' with that concluding imperative, we want to go back to bed and pull the covers over our head" 

I always enjoy Elder Hollands talks as he makes me laugh while also making me feel insufficient. :P 

Another talk that I feel so much had an impact, was Elder Anderson, he had an amazing talk on Conference Talks, a bit meta.  But the final message at the end where he read a few lines from the words that Elder Hales prepared.  I could feel the spirit and emotions coming from him as he remembered and honored a dear friend who had passed away not even 5 hours prior.  The love each of the apostles feels for the others is so amazing and to have the strength to give a conference talk even while mourning is simply so beautiful to me.

The last talk I want to point out for this email was Elder Richard J. Maynes of the seventy, he talked in the priesthood session.  The story of his fathers business and the refusal to accept bribery was so amazing to me.  I felt the spirit speak to me specifically when he said the words "Listen Rick, once you take a bribe, or compromise your integrity, it is very difficult to ever get it back. Don't ever do it.  Not even once."  This stood out to me so greatly and I was so impressed by the message of integrity that it represented.

A quick update on WW,  not much has changed recently and we are still just working with out RC,  we also started teaching the Allyssa and her son, Kaelin, the lessons again even though they are recent converts that don't remember much from the first time around.  Also here are some dope photos in the next email I'll send.

Elder Ellsworth

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