Monday, November 20, 2017

Apple Valley

Transfers were today and I met my next companion, Elder Dietrich.  He is from Bountiful, UT and an awesome dude.  This is his 3rd transfer and younger than me.  It's funny with missionary culture.  Your trainer is your Dad, and your first non-trainer comp is your Mom.  So Elder Dietrich and I are each others mothers.  How that works I don't know but it does :P  My new missionary apt. is very small and is known for being the worst apt. in the entire mission, it's name is "The Shack" and we have a garage attached that is bigger than our whole apartment.  I don't have much time so I will just share a small missionary story.  We got to take Brianna to the temple for the first time which was dope!  Bishop Jorgenson did the baptizing while Pooley and I witnessed and also did the confirming.  The temple we went to is the Redlands temple which is a mini-temple.  We had to make an appointment for baptisms.  We had an awesome time there and got taken out to an Indian restaurant afterwards and I tried Goat for the first time.  The Leblancs are the ones who took us and paid for us.  With the Leblancs I have tried a number of interesting foods for the first time including: Snails, Lamb, Duck, Shrimp, and Goat.  It was a cuisine tour.  

Elder Ellsworth

Mom's note: Funny thing is that Elder Ellsworth never mentions where he is being transferred to. Luke had asked him in an email for his new address, so that is how we know where he is heading.

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