Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 4

The fourth of July is in just a few days, and I'm pretty excited, we will be allowed to go and watch the local fireworks. It will be pretty cool, we are going to watch the fireworks in New York City from accross the Hudson. I'm going to try and take some pictures for next week's email.
Here, by the way, is a picture from the baptism we had not long ago. From left to right is Elder Ward, Genaro, Brother Duran, the ward mission leader is in the back, then Bishop Martinez, then me. Genaro was really excited and happy about his baptism.
The second picture is Union City as seen from the 14th floor.
We've had a pretty good week. In the past week we've set 2 of our investigators with Baptismal dates. We have one that is set for the 19th of July, and one for the 30th of August. The one in August is a lady named Isabel Castro. She is going on vacation soon to Cuba, and wants to get baptized when she gets back. We are really excited.
I am really excited as well to hear that Tyler is getting ready to go out on a mission! Congratulations (spelling?)! My guess on where Tyler is going... Brazil. Or Argentina. Or... I don't know.
Thanks for sending me the pictures. I picked them up last Wednesday. I've been showing them to everyone. Sending them through Walgreens will probably work pretty well to send more.
That's cool to hear that Nick is in Wyoming. He probably, maybe won't get this email, then. Next week could you send me the address. I would like to write him a letter there. Hopefully if I write next week it'll get there soon, right?
One thing, though. Here in Jersey it is HOT! and humid. I'm jealous on Nick right now, it may be a little cold early in the summer in New Fork, but I'd mich rather that than the heat. also, almost daily we get freak rain storms. We get dumped on. The other day we got caught out in a rain storm, and we were SOAKED. We went over to the Bishops house to see if Brian could come out with us to an appointment, we got there, and they gave us a towel, so we could dry ourselves off, then they were giving us dry shirts, and even a dry garment top. They are so nice to us here in Union City, we also get fed a lot.
Random side track. I love Hispanic food. Yesterday I had for the first time a dish called Ceviche, from Ecuador. It was absolutely amazing. Real hispanic food is soo good. Blows the "mexican" restaurants back home out of the water. I've been learning a little bit how to cook some of the food. It is really awesome. I'm probably going to gain some weight because we get fed so much, and it's so good!
I love you all and love you tons. I'm glad you had a good time at cousin camp, I always loved those. Tell sorry to everyone if I don't respond to letters very quickly, I don;t usually get a lot of time on P-days to write letters.
Love you, and I will write next week.
Elder Isaac Ellsworth.

P.S. Elder Ward and I will probably only be companions for this transfer, they will probably split the area into two areas next transfer, so we will split up and each get a new companion.

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