Monday, September 14, 2009

Baptism again....

On Saturday we had another baptism! I think that last week I forgot to mention that. Leidy, a young woman that Elder Ward and I began teaching was baptized on Saturday by her Uncle, Brother Miranda. She was originally going to be baptized on Sunday, but next week is Stake conference here, so she would have to wait 2 weeks to receive the Holy Ghost, and we don't want that, so we moved it back one day, so she was baptized on Saturday and I confirmed her Yesterday. It was really awesome. This is the first investigator that I have been there from start to finish. Isabel had been found by the missionaries that were here before. Back in July Elder Ward and I got a call from Sister Miranda, who gave us a referral to teach her Sister-in-Law, Amparo. We went an taught them twice, but Amparo wasn't really interested, but Leidy really was, and then Elder SopeƱa and I finally got back in touch with Leidy, and now she got baptized! I will send you some pictures in a little while, I need to get them transferred from another Elders camera.
Things are going really well here. The work in this area has really taken off. With three of us we are able to get a lot more work done, because we only need to take out one youth to go on a split, one of us goes with the youth, and the other 2 can go to a different appointment. Being in a threesome is good in that sense, but it still is difficult, a lot of the time I feel like a third wheel on a bicycle, where I really don't fit and am really not needed, but we are getting a lot of things done here.
This last week has been good, we found 7 new investigators this last week. Even with the basic training meeting and Zone conferences, which compleltely destroyed two mornings we've actually done really well. And then a baptism and a confirmation to top the week off.
Oh, by the way, it was super weird on sunday, because I had no idea that I was going to do the confirmation. When they asked Leidy who she wanted to do it she said her Uncle, but I think the Uncle said no or something, he was in the circle, but for some reason next thing I know the bishop says "Elder," and looks at me and kind of points at me, and I was super confused. So then I reviewed the steps, and then I confirmed Leidy a member of the church, and se received the Gift of the Holy Ghost. I had no idea what was going on, but it went well. I haven't given a whole lot of blessings in Spanish, but I think I did well, with the language.
This week has gone really well. I will write another letter in a second, I have to move computers, but I will write and send some pitures in a few minutes.
Elder Isaac Ellsworth

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