Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Getting out of the apartment at last....

Dear Family,                                                                                                                                             
        How are you my awesome Family?  I have been doing much better.  Life is pretty good.  Before this last week, I had spent two weeks at home with my sickly companion, but this week we were able to get out and "Do Work".  Now we were not super successful, but I do believe that Elder McAllister is finally getting better, so that is good enough for me. 
I had the opportunity this week to try and find the Ellsworth's, a less active family in our area.  The Cottonwood ward has some Ellsworth's on the ward list.  I really wanted to meet them, so we drove out into the boonies to find their house.  To our dismay we found a coded gate, and we had no cell service to call with so we turned around and drove home.  That was very exciting!

Um investigators, William Hogan is getting Baptized on March 19.  We teach him tonight.  We will try to set a Baptism date with the Griffith's these next few weeks.  Doran Granberry is the Deaf Guy, and he seems interested and so last lesson I told him that the Book of Mormon is the proof that he is looking for.  It is the proof to anyone that will read it and pray about it, so hopefully he will read.
Also Elder McAllister and myself are starting a new diet this week!  It is a Carbohydrate free diet.  Breakfast and Lunch you aren't aloud to eat any, but dinner is whatever you like.  Perfect for missionary work.  So I will tell you how I am surviving next week!  
Well I don't really know what else to say, I have a pretty boring life.  I do want to know, how close are you to finishing the BOM.  I am serious about reading D+C with you.  Love you bunches!  In fact Bunches of Bunches.  
Elder Ellsworth

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