Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What a week!

Dear Family,
      Well I will let you in on a little secret, missionary work is not always fun, or easy!  This past week has been a real struggle, but I feel that I have learned and grown, and any discouragement I had is now in the past!  
     The name of the game these past few weeks has been Cancelled!  Last week we had like 7 cancelled appointments, and dinners!  It is really tough when you go in expecting to get an awesome appointment, and teach a powerful lesson, and nobody answers the door!  Elder McAllister, and I have been trying lately to plan our lessons better, be more prepared, for what we can to convey, and what we want the people to feel, but it seems like the more we plan, the more often things fall through! 
     Another thing that was really hard for me this week, was a missionary in our ward came home.  He asked if he could come on an exchange with us on his frist day home, he had not even been released yet, and we had the opportunity to take him to a lesson.  It was so cool, to watch how he taught, and listen to all that he had learned in the past two years, but what was hard is when we took him home, and talked, and interacted with him and his family, it was really tough because it made me think of when Isaac came home, or to the eons away of my arrival home.  It was cool to see him home with his family, but it made me a little bit homesick!  
     We had a funny experience while on exchange with him.  His uncle and aunt are very less-active members of our ward, and we decided that we should go and see them.  Elder Tenney walked up to the door, knocked twice, and just went in!  Elder McAllister and I stood on the doorstep just staring at each other, wondering if we should follow him, or just stand their.   He then invited us in, and asked us if we were hungry!  Keep in mind that this is his uncle he hasn't seen in over two years!  We have been over to see the Duenas's so he knows who we are.  He had just gotten out of the shower, and he came down the hall putting his shirt on, and said "Who's in my house?"  He saw me and my companion first, and just looked super confused.  So I just pointed across the room at Elder Tenney, who got up, and they embraced!  It was pretty much the wierdest thing that I have done on my mission!  
     Church on Sunday was very enjoyable as well.  In Sacrament we had three speakers.  One was a RM of about three weeks, the other his little brother has his call to Brazil, leaving in July.  And the high council speaker was their father!  It was super cool to see them, and here their words!  Probably my favorite talks since I have been here.  
     The last discouraging thing that happened was Elder Walkenhorst chewed me out yesterday at P-day!  They moved out recently, and they left all of this supplies, that the Zone Leaders are supposed to have in our apartment, so I have repeatedly asked them to come and get it.  I have been blown off, told they would get it at a certain time, and they did not show up, and just ignored.  So yesterday I told them they needed to come and get their crap.  Elder Walkenhorst exploded got in my face, and told me I have a terribe attitude!  He also said the President will be in town in a few weeks, and we could talk to him about it.  All in front of most of my District.  I was pretty ticked off I won't lie.  They won't take the supplies because they were stupid to move into this members home, they don't even have a study desk, they have no space to keep anything!  
     Oh well, he called later, and apoligized.  I was honest with him, that I was not very impressed.  I think he is just frustrated.  Well we are going to work hard, and have a better week this week!  I love your guyz gutz. 
Elder Ellsworth

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